The hottest fictional redheads are those stunning and sexy red haired beauties from our favorite movies, television shows, comics and even animated series. While red hair only occurs naturally in 1-2% of the human population, in these fictional worlds these gingers are the show stoppers.
Just because these hot redheads are fictional does not mean there isn't in many cases a real person behind the character who is equally as attractive. "Mad Men" beauty Joan Holloway (Christina Hendricks), Amy Pond of "Doctor Who" (Karen Gillan), Willow Rosenberg of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (Alyson Hannigan) and Leeloo of "The Fifth Element" (Milla Jovovich) are perfect examples of just that. Without the beautiful actresses playing these roles, the fictional redheads wouldn't have been nearly as hot.
In another category, the limits to the beauty of these fictional gingers is only limited by those who draw them. Comics and animated titles have no shortage of sexy red-haired characters, all drawn to near perfection. Jessica Rabbit of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," Marvel's Phoenix, DC's Batwoman and even cartoon moms like Lois Griffin of "Family Guy" and Wilma Flintstone of "The Flintstones" are all favorites there.
So whichever type of fictional redhead you prefer, be them real life characters like Charlotte Lewis from "LOST" (Rebecca Mader) and Erin Hannon of "The Office" (Ellie Kemper) or those sexiest female comic book characters like Marvel's Rogue or even Princess Ariel, vote for your favorites, add any that are missing or re-rank this list of hottest fictional redheads below!,
Jessica Rabbit
Joan Holloway
Willow Rosenberg
Wilma Flintstone
Charlotte Lewis
Amy Pond
Erin Hannon