Are there issues important to you that your congress member is ignoring? That everyone is ignoring? There's a lot of focus on immigration, gun control, health care, marriage rights, and terrorism, but which of the following issues do you want addressed?
Vote November 4th.
Fracking-Related Earthquakes/Crises
So far there's definite proof that hydraulic fracturing leads to low-intensity earthquakes, but proponents maintain they won't lead to damage. However, environmental problems related to methane gas and water contamination might also be major concerns.
Is this an issue you want to know your representatives care about?
Detroit Water Shut-Off
The Great Lakes region (Detroit, Cleveland, Milwaukee) is considered one of the best places to move to in the event of severe water shortages. However, thousands of Detroit residents have been without water for weeks or months because of overdue bills while businesses (like Tiger Stadium) with overdue bills still have service.
The main problem for the nation as a whole is that, without water, a major public health hazard could happen.
Voter IDs
Is this another abuse of power? There are hundreds of thousands of Americans, mostly poor or elderly, who do not have photo IDs. Meanwhile voter fraud is practically in the single digits. Do you want your reps to know this bothers you?
Gerrymandering is an abuse of power, and in the past it's been used by both parties, though recently it's helped Republicans. It distorts and thwarts what the people of any state really want by making sure districts are created around the voters the party wants.
Again, gerrymandering thwarts majority rule. This is an issue politicians won't address unless the public makes a huge deal about it. Is it important to you?
Partisanship/Governing Through Spite
Politicians fighting against the success of the other party instead of fighting for the American people has been a problem since the mid 1990s.
Is this what bothers you most about politicians these days?
Media Responsiblity
Since the Reagan administration did away with the Fairness Doctrine, partisan opinion has taken the place of journalistic neutrality and integrity. The result is an angrier populace who are less informed and less likely to work together to solve problems.
Shouldn't this stop? The people are going to have to make a lot of noise if they want action because TV channels like MSNBC and Fox aren't likely to help.
Public Colleges Not Serving the Public
A huge problem made worse because so many adults need job re-training. Since the Reagan era, the states have reduced funding of public colleges by more than 25%. Today, many public colleges take in more of their funds from student payments than from their state governments.
Just as bad, the largest public university system, California State University System, has had to refuse admission to 400,000 students because of cutbacks.
Public universities are supposed to help average people have a good future, and they can't. Should your politicians address that now?
National Environmental Emergency Planning
In addition to dwindling water, some scientists (think Bill Nye the Science Guy), meteorologists, and environmental activists are predicting severe events leading to shortages and large scale migration within the next ten years. Just in case they're right, do you want to know if your politicians are planning ahead?
Lack of Job Retraining
In sociology classes, they teach that when a society transitions from one age to another, such as agrarian to industrial, there's often a lot of upheaval. Since the advent of the World Wide Web, developed countries like the U.S. have been moving from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. The result is thousands of jobs lost or moved overseas.
Thousands of people need assistance being retrained, and it shouldn't be from overpriced for-profit institutes. Do you want your politicians to answer the question, "Where's the help we need?"
Dwindling Water Supply
Climate change's worst effect is probably going to be insufficient water for much of the United States. Drought is already an alarming issue in most of California and the aquifer that supports agriculture in much of the country is vanishing. Should your representatives be making a bigger effort at education and prevention?