The most popular essential oils for weight loss include: peppermint, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, sandalwood and clove. These oils are the most recommended for helping people successfully lose weight. Essential oils have the power to deliver specific beneficial healing properties from different plants in a highly concentrated and direct form to your body. When used properly, they have been recognized for centuries for having therapeutic properties. Ancient cultures practiced the art of making essential oils by first soaking the flowers, bark, twigs, and leaves of plants in oil for a period of time, then using linens to filter, purify, and isolate the oils to make a potent, concentrated form. If you’ve ever asked the question, “What are the best essential oils for weight loss?” you have definitely come to the right place!
The best essential oils for weight loss help suppress your appetite, raise your metabolism, or otherwise stimulate healthy eating habits. Depending on the type of oil you use, the healing effects of essential oils are limitless, from antibacterial defense to relief of pain, and even aiding in emotional therapy. From a strictly scientific perspective, oils are extremely effective due to the 50 million smell receptors located inside the nasal passageways. These connect directly to the brain’s limbic system, which is the area that is responsible for emotions and memories. In addition to the medical benefits of oils, on a more practical note, they make us feel better simply because they smell so nice!
This list discusses the most popular essential oils for weight loss. If you’ve ever tried aromatherapy to lose weight, please vote for your favorite essential oils and add any that I missed.,
Cardamom Essential Oils (Cardomomi Fructus) are useful for intestinal spasms, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, cold, cough, bronchitis, sore mouth and throat, urinary problems, gas, constipation, loss of appetite and liver problems. It is considered safe to use with no known side effects. It can be inhaled or used in a diffuser.
Oregano Essential Oil (Marjolaine Sauvage) is useful for asthma, bronchitis, cough, flu, indigestion, arthritis, headaches and heart conditions. A possible side effect can be an upset stomach; it can cause allergic reaction in people who have an allergy to plants in the Lamiaceae family. It can be taken in proper doses by mouth, applied topically or used in a diffuser.
Sandalwood Essential Oil (Santalum album) Works to balance both the emotions and the immune system. Possible side effects can include allergic reactions, and it is not recommended for pregnant women to use. May be applied topically or diffused.
Bergamot Essential Oil (Citrus bergamia) Has calming effects; can be applied topically or diffused. There have been serious side effects from using bergamot for children, including convulsion and death when large amounts have been taken. It is not recommended for children or pregnant women. It can also be applied as a deodorant or added to food and water as a supplement.
Grapefruit Essential Oil can be useful for preventing water retention and bloating and can also help dissolve fat; it helps to release fatty acids into the bloodstream where the body breaks them down and uses them for energy. It is also an appetite suppressant. There are no known side effects to using it, but some concerns have been raised about the potential link between using grapefruit and the development of breast cancer. It can be taken internally, inhaled or used in a diffuser.
Ocotea Essential Oil (Ocotea quixos) is useful for proper lung function, digestive problems, as a disinfectant, and it helps to balance the body's internal response to irritation and injury, reducing swelling. It also reduces blood sugar levels. It is not recommended to take if pregnant or nursing, or if you have a serious medical condition. It can be taken as a dietary supplement, applied topically or used in a diffuser.
Tarragon Essential Oil (Artemisia dracunculus) can be useful for hiccups, indigestion, nausea, urinary tract infections, toothaches and menstrual problems. Tarragon should not be used by women who are pregnant, in children under the age of 6 and should be avoided if susceptible to epilepsy. It can be taken in small doses orally, be applied topically or used in a diffuser.
Clove Essential Oils are useful for upset stomach, as an expectorant, for diarrhea, hernia, bad breath, gas, nausea and vomiting. Clove can cause serious health problems when taken by children, and should only be taken in small food doses by adults. It can be used in small doses in food, inhaled or with a diffuser.
Lemon Essential Oil (Bioflavonoid) Lemon aids in relaxation and can be used for the common cold, Swine Flu, ringing in the ears and kidney stones. It can be taken internally or applied externally in small doses. Lemon is safe in food amounts and may be safe in higher medicinal amounts. The side effects of higher amounts of lemon are not known.Applying lemon directly to the skin may increase the chance of sunburn, especially if you have lighter skin.
Peppermint Essential Oil is useful for irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, morning sickness, cramps, gas, colds, coughs, imflammation of the mouth and throat, sinus and respiratory infections, headache, muscle pain, nerve pain, joint problems and toothache. There are no known side effects to using peppermint oil, but mild skin irritation could be a factor. It can be taken internally, topically and used in a diffuser.