A list of the best books by entrepreneurs. In the wide open world we live in, many budding entrepreneurs dream of making it big and becoming millionaires. No one ever said becoming a millionaire is easy, but if you want to be on the way by owning your business and getting, taking a look at these books certainly wouldn't hurt. The books on this list should provide a strong foundation for budding entrepreneurs. Why? Because these books come directly from the mouths and minds of successful businessmen who built their own companies and businesses. Hearing advice and business tactics from these great entrepreneurs could open your eyes to new thinking or can even help sharpen your vision by hearing what these people have done.
Books like You Need to Be a Little Crazy, The 4 Hour Work Week and Creating Your Own Destiny are examples of some the best reads. These books offer completely different interpretations of the entrepreneurial experience and people who read the books on this list are likely to take away a different lesson from each person's respective story. If you're a budding entrepreneur, who better to learn from than someone who has had success?
Take a look at this list and vote on which entrepreneur you think has the best book. There are plenty of good ones to choose from so if you are an entrepreneur, you'd be best served reading the books on this list.
The Remains of the Day
Economics in One Lesson
Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days
Influence Science and Practice
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values
Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation
You need to be a little crazy
What Technology Wants
The Startup Game
It's Your Ship