The movie adaptation of 'One Day' features some great, memorable quotes. Some of the best 'One Day' movie quotes involve quips made by Emma Morley (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess), as they try to navigate life and each other. 'One Day' is an adaptation of the best-selling novel by David Nicholls. It follows the lives of Emma and Dex for 20 years, offering a snapshot of one day each year. Sometimes they're together as friends, sometimes they're not. If you've read the book, well, you know: This is a romance of the epic variety, but it's also gut-wrenching (we're keeping this spoiler-free). Enjoy these quotes from 'One Day,' and if you know of any we missed, feel free to add them to the list!
'One Day' was not well-reviewed by many of the top movie critics. Bad reviews might have hurt the film at the box office: 'One Day' opened to a dismal $5 million in it's opening weekend of release. The movie went on to gross more than $13 million in U.S. ticket sales. It was released on DVD on November 29, 2011.
For a look at other quotes from great movies, check out our lists for the best lines from 'I Don't Know How She Does It' 'Moneyball' 'Crazy Stupid Love,' 'Contagion' 'Friends With Benefits,' 'Larry Crowne' and 'The Help!'
I Don't Like You Anymore
Emma: "I love you, Dexter. I just don't like you anymore."
Dexter is a total a** at times, and loving him (even as a friend) can certainly be a challenge. It's one that Emma rises to, however. She's not afraid to call him out when he deserves it.
Blanked It Out
Dexter: "Well, look I'm just saying that we're not entirely unknown to each other from a physical point of view."
Emma: "Drop it, Dex."
Dexter: "What? You know, that night after graduation? Come on, you must remember."
Emma: "Nope. Blanked it out like a car crash."
Emma is most definitely lying. She certainly remembers the night they spent together right after college graduation - but she's taking the high road and trying to avoid complications in her relationship/friendship with Dex.
I Fancy Everyone
Dexter: "The problem is, I pretty much fancy everyone. It's like I've just got out of prison all of the time. It's a real problem."
Emma: "I can imagine..."
Dexter is a playboy, plain and simple. Handsome, successful, high-profile - a complete chick magnet and a total womanizer.
Those Who Can't, Teach
Dexter: "Those who can, do, and those who can't, teach."
Emma: "And those who can teach say go to hell!"
Dexter can really be an a**. This is just one of the many times he acts this way around Emma - and this time, she actually fights back.
A Scented Candle
Dexter: "If I could give you just one gift, do you know what it would be? Confidence. That or a scented candle."
Everyone's Lost
Dexter: "Come on, everyone's lost at 25."
Everyone, except Dex, as Emma astutely points out. Dexter rockets to the top right out of college, while Emma flounders for many years.
Half Rhyme
Dexter: "I'd still like to read that poetry. What rhymes with Dexter?"
Emma: "Prick. It's a half rhyme."
We Need Rules
Emma: "I think we need some rules..."
Dexter: "Rules?!"
Emma: "I'm not taking any chances with our friendship. Separate bedrooms, no flirting and absolutely no skinny dipping."
Rules are made to be broken.
Just Good Friends
Dexter: "Emma and I are just good friends."
Alison: "You sure about that?"
Dexter: "Anyway, she's not my type."
Alison: "Which is exactly why I like her."
It's always great when Patricia Clarkson shows up in a movie - any movie. In 'One Day,' she plays Dex's mother, Alison.
Not Someone, You
Dexter: "I need to speak to someone. Not someone - you."
When things go horribly wrong for Dexter, he automatically reaches out to Emma - even if they haven't talked for months. He may have a lot of casual flings (and one disastrous marriage), but he goes to the person that matters most when he needs real help (see: Emma).