The best old horror movies include classic scary films designed to terrify. Early horror movies tapped into our deepest fears of the unknown, combining compelling, unique stories with outstanding character acting. Whether it's zombies, ghosts, vampires or other supernatural creatures, this list of old horror movies includes some of the greatest frightening films ever made. Be sure to vote for your favorites, and add any older horror movies that are missing. Modern horror movies are great, but they have nothing on the classics. In fact, many of the modern-era scary films are remakes of the movies listed here. Some of the common sources for these classic old horror movies include novels and folktales about frightening monsters ('Dracula' and 'Frankenstein' are good examples). Some of the horror movies listed here are silent films, but that doesn't mean they aren't as scary -- not at all. Both 'Nosferatu' and 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari' are extremely creepy movies, even without sound. What makes for a truly outstanding horror movie? Bottom line, it scares the living daylights out of us by tapping into some dark, primal fear we have. The best older horror movies manage to chill, thrill and terrify by exposing us to monsters -- both real and imagined. If you're looking to delve into classic horror movies, this is a great place to start. The films here are innovative, popular and downright horrifying. For more spooky fun, check out these lists of the best horror books and 13 horror movies and the 'true stories' they're based on and of course, the greatest horror films ever made!,
Bride of Frankenstein
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
King Kong
The Mummy
The Phantom of the Opera
The Wolf Man