List of the top drama shows that aired on cable during the 2012-2013 season. This list includes dramatic series that aired on HBO, Showtime, AMC, FX, TNT, USA, and other premium networks. What were the best dramatic TV shows of 2013? The year saw returns of a variety of fan favorites, like AMC's Mad Men, back for its 6th season, and the violent fantasy Game of Thrones on HBO now in Season 3. This list of top 2013 show also includes new shows, like the A&E horror series "Bates Motel" about a young Norman Bates and the new FX spy drama "The Americans." Vote up your favorites to move them to the top of the list, and vote down those show you tried, but didn't like in 2013.,
Mad Men
Game of Thrones
Pretty Little Liars
The Walking Dead
The Americans