, tv seasons, tv, survivor,
Survivor: China
The tribes get to choose the 2 best players from the other tribe to have on their tribe. This screws over the people chosen and makes 1 tribe throw a challenge.
Survivor: Micronesia
Fans vs. Favorites is unfair because the favorites have so much more experience and they get the better place to live.
Survivor: Africa
The Survivor producers did not like the young dominating the old on one tribe, so they created the first tribe swap. They have a tribe swap every so often if they don't like the way is going.
Survivor: All-Stars
Jenna Lewis initiates the strategy of voting off winners because they had won the game before.
Survivor: Guatemala
Bobby Jon and Stephenie do two seasons in a row. I don't understand how this happened.
Survivor: Panama
The hidden immunity idol gets played after the votes are read. Thus the immunity idol never gets played and the person with the idol never gets any votes.
Survivor: Gabon
There was 2 or 3 tribe swaps in a row that screwed over the guy that should of won, Marcus Lehman.
Survivor: Redemption Island
Boston Rob gets to reach into the bag of buffs first and takes the one on top. This was a planned move by the Survivor producers to get Rob on that tribe. Everyone on that tribe obviously said Boston Rob was their favorite player.Russell Hantz gets the remaining Buff and gets put on a team who all said they hated him on their Survivor application.
Survivor: Nicaragua
Old vs. Young was unfair because the Young was under 30 and the Old was over 40. It would have been more fair if the tribes were under 30 and older 30.
Survivor: Caramoan
Brandon Hantz gets to play twice. How does this happen.