Here's some recipes for all you starving College Kids...and other starving folks of course! Stuck me as odd that College Students and Prision Inmates tend to kind of eat the same ways??? Lack of funds and resources on both sides I guess, anyway, figured I'd bring the two together here. Have fun with these recipes!
Sweet N Spicy Coke Ramen
1 pack Texas Beef Ramen (or regular beef, or Asian – but Texas Beef is best)
1/2 to 3/4 can Coke (not diet)
1 pack salted peanuts
1 Beef stick (aka Slim Jim) –Optional–Cook noodles. Crush the peanuts inside the bag. Add about 2/3 of the peanuts and eat the rest while you’re “cooking”. Drain water from noodles, then add seasoning packet and coke. Add peanuts and optional sliced beef stick or summer sausage. Add more coke to achieve the right amount of sauce and balanced flavor.
Orange Chicken Ramen
one pack of ramen (don’t use the flavoring packet)
1/2 can white chicken (4 oz. can)
cheddar cheese spread
chili garlic sauce
Honey to taste1 small orange
Microwave ramen for 2 minutes and drain. Stir in cheddar cheese spread. Add small amount of chili garlic sauce. Add honey and chicken and juice from one orange.
Madoff MaNoodle
1 Can of Chili
1 Package of Ramen Noodles
1 Small Bag of Corn Chips
Squeeze CheeseAll you have to do is layer these ingredients and don't forget to crunch the chips up for an extra toothsome texture. Grab your favorite squeeze and enjoy some hearty MaNoodle!
Prison Ramen
Take a bag of Cheetos Puffs and smash them until they’re a fine powder. Then add the packet of chicken flavoring to the bag of Cheetos powder. Cook noodles in two cups of water. Add all the noodles and water to bag. Stir and shake to mix. You may or may not be able to eat out of bag; sometimes it leaks.
Ramen Pizza
3-4 – Ramen soups (spicy or beef)
1 – Squeeze Cheese
1 – Can Chili no beans
1 – Summer Sausage
Couple handfuls of corn chips
Couple JalapenosOpen all noodles and place inside some type plastic bag (lg. corn chip bag works great). Add corn chips and crush mix thoroughly (don’t leave any large chunks), then add the seasoning packs. Then bring some water to boil in your hotpot. While your water heats up go ahead and slice up your jalapenos and summer sausage. Once the water is hot enough, pour into your bag with the noodle/chip/seasoning mix. Important: add just enough water to come up just below top of mix (don’t drown them). Refill pot and heat can of chili in it. Knead and work the bag with noodles in it around mixing thoroughly. Once this is done lay bag out and flatten down evenly, making dough/crust. If you’ve done this correctly there shouldn’t be a lot of water running out if there is add more crushed chips and mix until thickens. Fold end of bag, secure with paper clip, and wrap with towel to insulate and let “cook” for about 10 min. Once done cut bag down middle and bottom and spread open. Noodles should remain in rectangular shape and be stuck together (like dough). Pour your chili over top and spread evenly (if too runny add a few crushed corn chips to thicken mix. Then comes a layer of squeeze cheese, topped with summer sausage and jalapenos. Slice evenly and enjoy.
Ramen Break
1 bag of Ramen noodles, beef flavor preferred, but chicken will do
1 can of chili with beans (we used Castleberry’s brand, individual size. You can also substitute a can of beef stew)
1/4 to 1/3 stick of pepperoni, diced (which can be bought already diced on the street)
1/2 cup of diced Longhorn or Cheddar cheese (about 1 cup shredded on the street)
1 deli pickle, diced (optional)
1 small onion, diced (optional)
Salt, pepper and garlic powder to tasteFollow the microwave instruction on pack using whole flavor pack, but crumble noodles. Drain excess water from noodles when done. In a separate bowl, microwave the diced pepperoni on several layers of paper towels for a minute at a time and stir between heating, to cook off the grease. This makes the pepperoni crunchy, but don’t cook it too long or it will burn. Heat chili (or beef stew) for two minutes and stir in diced cheese. Stir in cheese and heat longer to melt cheese if needed. Pour all ingredients into a big bowl and mix well. Serve with sliced bread or crackers.
Prison Pad Thai Son
One Chicken Ramen package
Tablespoon of Franks red hot sauce
Two Tablepoons of Peanut butter(creamy works best)Cook your ramen, keep about 1/4 cup of water in after you drain it. Next, put the peanut butter in the bottom of your bowl and spread it around. Then put the Franks red hot in add the ramen on top. Mix it all together and wala…bomb ass prison pad thai son.
Prison Nachos
1 Ramen Noodle
1 Summer Sausage
1 Chilli with/without beans
1 Nacho tortilla chips.
1 Onion
1 Squeeze CheeseFirst boil noodles drain and set aside. Chop summer sausage and onion mix together then add Ramen seasoning. Place onion and summer sausage mixture in the microwave for 4 minutes on high, afterwards take out and place to the site. Take tortilla chips and place a large amount on a bowl. Mix water (or milk) with cheese, after warming the cheese until it melts, and blend until smooth and creamy. Take meat and onion mixture over tortilla chips. Next take your chilli and cooked noodles and pour over your chips. Lastly spread your melted cheese over your chips. Viola nachos delight.
2 packs of ramen noodles hot and spicy or other spicy variety
1/3 bottle of jalapeno squeeze cheese
1 summer sausage
1 Slim Jim (the food product, not the breaking and entering tool)
1 bag of instant chili (canned will work)
1 small garbage bag (if you only have a regular house size one, cut the top half off)Before you start crush the noodles while they are still in the package. Microwave a bowl of water for 2 minutes, then add both ramen noodle packets and let sit for now. (Put on a lid on the bowl if you have one.) Now, chop or dice the summer sausage and Slim Jim, and then make or heat the chili. The noodles should now be fully expanded (about 10 mins), drain ALL the water from the noodles. Dump the noodles into the garbage bag then add 1 flavor pack and 1/3 bottle of jalapeno cheese and knead the bag. Next add the meat then knead again till meat is evenly distributed. Now add the hot chili (the hotter the better). This would also be the time to add the other flavor pack if you want. I find one and a half packs to be enough but you could add more later if needed. Finally, knead the bag again and you’re ready to enjoy fine prison cuisine. I can eat it all myself but it could feed 2 normal people.
County Jail Ramen
1 package Ramen noodles and flavor pack
2 packets of mayo
1 packet (Small Can) of mackerel in oil
1-2 hard boiled eggs
Optional – 2 slices of bread or a tortillaHeat up your Ramen noodles and drain liquid. Stir in the mayo and flavor pack to taste. Add in the eggs, and mash with fork spoon till crumbled. Stir in whole mackerel package(including oil). If desired, you can combine the dish with bread or a tort to make a finger food meal. Enjoy.