There's no shortage of great biopic films coming out of Hollywood, but often times the actor in the biopic film never gets to meet the real person they're portraying because, you know, they're dead and all. Sometimes, though, biopic movies are made while a person is still alive and in those glorious instances, the actors get to meet the real person they're playing. It adds a genuine dimension to the character and allows for the most accurate portrayal of a real person possible.
This compilation of pictures of real people with the actors who played them in a movie is a glance at some of the most epic moments in film making. From behind the scenes photos to red carpet premieres, these are some of the best pictures of real people meeting the actor playing them. Some of these people got along so well during the production of the movies, in fact, that they're still in touch with each other to this day.
This votable list of celebrities with the people they played in movies is here for you to vote on, so give an upvote to your favorite photos of real people with the actors who played them. And if getting a glimpse behind the scenes of movies interests you, check out the most amazing behind the scenes photos from iconic films.
Will Smith and Muhammad Ali
Mark Wahlberg and Micky Ward
The Fighter
Bill Murray and Hunter S. Thompson
Where the Buffalo Roam
Morgan Freeman and Nelson Mandella
Angela Bassett and Tina Turner
What's Love Got to Do With It?
Beyonce and Etta James
Cadillac Records
Armie Hammer and the Winklevoss Twins
The Social Network
Jamie Foxx and Ray Charles
Brad Pitt and Billy Beane
Johnny Depp and Hunter S. Thompson
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas