Threequel: the third (and often final) movie in a series. A third film that follows the original and the sequel. With the newly released Iron Man 3 tearing up the foreign and domestic box office, it's a good time to look at other movie threequels and see how they stack up against each other. Many of the best movies of all time are part of a series of movies that make up the best movie franchises ever. While many of these are the third installment in a movie trilogy, more still are part of ongoing series or much longer movie series like Harry Potter and Star Wars.
Iron Man isn't the only franchise to produce a critically lauded and financially successful third movie, but it is faring particularly well compared to some of the other entries in the third film of the movie franchise. For ever Dark Knight Rises there's a Superman III, Godfather 3, and Spiderman 3. Perish the thought.
What are the best third films ever? What movie series have the best film threequels? This greatest third movie in a series list is here to let movie fans decide which third entries in a movie franchise are the best and the worst movies compared to each other. If your favorite threequel isn't on the list of the best threequels ever, make sure to throw it in the mix. Your third movie in a film franchise can't be much worse than Red Dragon, right?,
Die Hard with a Vengeance
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
The Bourne Ultimatum
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Toy Story 3
The Dark Knight Rises
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade