There have been numerous video game systems throughout the years, but which one is the best? Starting in the 70's the daddy of all home video game consoles, the Atari, was released. It introduced the world to games that were able to be played on your home television. With the rise of the arcade, people were jumping at the chance to take the video games home with them, and thus the popularity of the video game home system was born.
There have been many different companies that have tried to release video game systems throughout the years. Companies like Atari, Sega, Nintendo, Coleco, Microsoft, and many more. Each of these companies have released a number of different consoles as the years and technology have progressed. Nintendo has had the NES, Super NES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube and Wii. (This is not even including the portable systems like Gameboy, DS and 3DS.) Sony has their Playstation 1, 2 and PS3, along with their Vita and PSP. Sega had the Mastersystem, Genesis, Saturn and Dreamcast. Microsoft had the Xbox and Xbox 360.
After the mid-90's the playing field drastically changed and most other companies fell away since they couldn't keep up with the advancing technology. The big 3, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft came out the clear winners. This is a list of the best video game console systems of all time so feel free to vote for your favorite and add any that aren't here.
Personal computer
Playstation 2
Xbox 360
PlayStation 3