The most popular essential oils for nausea include: ginger, lemon, fennel, nutmeg, peppermint, and wintergreen. These oils are the most recommended for nausea symptoms in particular. There's nothing quite worse than feeling the initial symptoms of nausea and not having a clue how to alleviate it. Essential oils are made by soaking the flowers, bark, twigs, and leaves of plants in oil for a period of time, then filtering and purifying the oils to make a potent, concentrated form. What are the best essential oils for nausea?
Depending on the type of oil applied, the healing effects of essential oils are limitless, from antibacterial defense to relief of pain, and even aiding in emotional therapy. Oils are extremely effective because of the 50 million smell receptors that are located inside the nasal passageways that connect directly to the brain’s limbic system, which is the area that is responsible for emotions and memories.
This list features the most popular essential oils for nausea. Vote up the best essential oils below and be sure to check out these other natural remedies for nausea.
Fennel Essential Oil (Foeniculum vulgare) is useful for urinary tract infections (cystitis), diabetes, cancer, digestive problems (spasms, parasites, flatulence, indigestion, nausea, colic), hormones, obesity, fluid retention, gout, pain and inflammation, menstrual problems, and PMS. It can be used topically, diffused, or as a food supplement.
Nutmeg Essential Oil is most widely used to treat stomach complaints. Studies have shown that when taken as a supplement or used as a spice with food it also treats stomach aches and cramps, aids digestion, and dispels gas. Using nutmeg is generally regarded as safe to use. It can also be diffused or inhaled.
Chamomile Essential Oil (Chamemelum nobile) aids in sleep and has calming and relaxing properties that help to reduce anxiety, dispel anger, and release old emotions. Possible dangerous side effects can include: anaphylaxis, contact dermatitis, and other severe hypersensitivity reactions. You can diffuse it or rub two drops on the temples or back of the neck, either prior to going to bed or when facing a difficult situation.
Clary Sage
Clary Sage Essential Oil (also known as Esalarea) can be useful for upset stomach, stomach disorders, kidney disease and tumors, when applied to the skin. There are no known side effects to using clary sage when taken in proper amounts. It can be taken internally (it aides as a flavor for food) and topically.
When Ginger Essential Oil is taken as a supplement or used as a food additive it has been well-documented for naturally relieving nausea. Using ginger relaxes the intestinal tracts, relieving upset stomach naturally and efficiently. It also prevents motion sickness and alleviates the nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea that often accompany stomach flu. Using ginger is believed to be safe, even for pregnant women: and it relieves morning sickness as well! It can also be inhaled or used in a diffuser.
Peppermint Essential Oil is useful for the treatment of nausea caused by morning sickness, acid reflux, and cancer treatment. Taking peppermint orally also instantly relieves indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. A wonderful way to relieve these symptoms is to make peppermint tea or suck on a peppermint stick. It is generally regarded as safe to use. It can be taken as a supplement, orally, applied topically when diluted, or used in a diffuser.
Applying Wintergreen Essential Oil that's been diluted directly to the temples of the head can sooth nausea caused by headache or migraine. Wintergreen that's taken orally also aids in digestion and calms the nerves in the stomach. It is generally regarded as safe to use, however it can cause extreme skin irritation if not diluted before use. It can be taken as a supplement, applied topically, inhaled, or diffused.
Just like the other mint oils that help to relieve nausea and vomiting, Spearmint Essential Oil is useful for helping soothe an upset stomach, morning sickness and symptoms of the flu. It can provide instant relief when turned into a hot tea. Spearmint can also be applied to the temples, when diluted first, to ease nausea caused by headache or migraine. It is generally regarded as safe to use, however, it should never be applied topically without first being diluted or it can be a skin irritant. It can be taken orally, diffused, inhaled, or applied topically.
Patchouli Essential Oil (Agastach Pogostemi) is useful for colds, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and bad breath. There isn't enough information about it to know if it has harmful side effects or not, but it appears to be safe to use in food amounts. Patchouli can be taken internally, applied externally, and is often used in perfumes and fragrances.
Lavender Essential Oil (Lavendula angustifolia) relaxes you and makes you more alert. It can balance any personality. Possible dangers of not using lavender properly are: irritation of the skin, allergic reactions, nausea, headache, chills, or vomiting. It can be applied topically or diffused in a room.