From pulsating blobs that reside in the sewers, to gigantic scorpions that can only be found on a single island, we count the top 10 most terrifying, fiendish, and downright atrocious monstrosities that had ever arose from the depths hell to live on the surface of the Earth.,
Bobbit Worm
A living death trap, these huge, gruesome murderers of the deep are truly a horrifying sight. Claimed to be more vicious than most sharks, the bobbit worm stays erected from the sea floor, disguising itself as a harmless plant, and those who fall for its devious facade are left screaming in pain as it suddenly pounces outwards and clamps its gaping scissor-like jaws shut with such force that it has been recorded to slice fish clean in half! If these monstrosities have found a way to burrow on land, it would truly be a nightmare come true.
Smooth Lumpsucker
Due to its nearly perfectly spherical body and no distinguishable neck, this swimming atrocity is sometimes confused for a swimming alien head. The reason why they are called “Lumpsuckers” is because of their specialised pelvic fins, which have evolved into adhesive discs which help it grip onto rocks. Therefore, it won’t be able to chase you due to its modified fins, so it mostly spends time of the seabed while feeding on worms, crustaceans and mollusks, as well as the occasional jellyfish. Curiously, Lumpsuckers have no gas bladders.
Tubifex Worms
Although they may not seem like much when viewed as an individual worm, these slimy segmented fiends can accumulate into huge colonies that are downright nasty. As depicted in a few viral Youtube videos, the blob-like colonies are mostly found in sewage systems, usually clogging up pipes since the dirty sewage water that comes out of the pipes apparently supplies them with nutrients. Also, the way the colonies react to stimulus is rather disturbing. When left alone, they can be seen slowly contracting and absorbing nutrients from their surroundings by strand-like membranes surrounding the mass. But when touched, they quickly retract and pulsate backwards grotesquely as a single superorganism. One must see one themselves to truly realize that this may be the world’s most disgusting creature alive.
Urechis Unicinctus (Commonly Known As “Korean Penis Fish”)
Believe or not, people from Korea actually eat these things! RAW! It is a species of marine spoon worm which lives in burrows in sand and mud and often live as a colony. They are known to stay underground during the day and come out of the ground en masse at night to feed and reproduce. So you might not want to go swimming in the shores of Korea if you want one of these guys to find their way into your urethra. It is also known as the "fat innkeeper worm" because the tunnels it creates often traps other animals.
Lord Howe Island Stick Insect
These grotesquely huge stick insects are not to be shunned for their rather ugly appearance, but they should be instead awed and cared for. You see, these six-legged giants can only be found on a single, extremely isolated islet in the Pacific called “Ball’s Pyramid”, and only 24 individual insects have been recorded living on that extremely narrow islet since 2001. Although not well known, they have been declared “the rarest insect in the world” by fellow scientists, and breeding sanctuaries have increased their population to over 9,000. Because the reproduction of these hellspawns are entirely necessary.
Glaucus Altanticus
Okay, this one may seem more beautiful to some rather than ugly due to its astonishing colours, but it sure is strange. Commonly nicknamed “blue dragons”, these uniquely pigmented sea slugs are tiny (they can grow up to 3 centimetres in length) but they are tough enough to take on large jellyfish such as the Portuguese Man o’War due to their resistance to jellyfish stings. However, they redirect the stinging nematocysts into their own tissues, so it might not be a good idea to pick one of these up on the beach, for it can give you a painful sting upon contact.
Cereal Leaf Beetles
If a swollen tick engorging itself with your own blood wasn’t stomach churning enough for you, consider the cereal leaf beetles, whose larvae enlarges itself with not blood, but with its own feces and mucus encased in a slimy, jelly-like membrane, giving them the shiny black, grotesquely large and wet appearance. It does this as a defence mechanism, supposedly mimicking bird poop, for any creature that would come across it would immediately lose their appetite, some may even lose their last meal….’nuff said.
Dog Ticks
Feeling an itch? These crawling fiends might just be producing a colony deep within your bed sheets right now! These vile pests make up for their tiny size for their gruesome habits of engorging themselves on your blood. being parasitic, they will attach themselves on a host’s skin (preferably in areas with lot’s of hair to remain undetected). They will stay there for weeks as they endlessly suck and drink, eventually losing their hard and firm body shape, and swelling themselves into soft, grotesque balloons filled with blood. And if that wasn’t stomach churning enough, they are known to carry deadly illnesses, particularly Lyme disease. Despite living on wild terrain, they're surprisingly adaptive and resilient, and you can find them in urban areas as well…so take a look under your bed sheets or under one of your floor tiles!
The adult blowflies themselves are not very nasty, but their spawn definitely are! The blowflies have a habit of injecting over 300 eggs into either decaying or living flesh of humans (preferably living due to its freshness). The maggots then burrow and latch on, slowly developing undetected for weeks or even months while feeding on the surrounding flesh and tissue as a single mass of squirming, wriggling monstrosities. When a person finds out that a colony of worm-like fiends have been living within them, they are diagnosed with “Myiasis”; the parasitic infestation of fly larvae in mammalian bodies. The larvae are usually found in open wounds, other larvae may invade unbroken skin or enter the body through the nose, ears, and within your eye sockets!
Pink See-Through Fantasia
Just recently discovered, this large jellyfish-like alien life-form is in fact a previously unknown species of free-swimming sea cucumber. Found deep within remote areas of the western Pacific ocean, they’ve developed webbed swimming structures that allow them to move off the seafloor - an unusual adaptation for sea cucumbers. Have I also mentioned that you can see its nasty, pulsating guts through its transparent outer membrane?