Do you have a brother or a sister? In your older, more civilized years have you forgotten all the things you fought about as a child? Read through this list of reasons kids fight and refresh your memory on some your oldest, fondest memories.
You lived together under the same roof for decades. Maybe you shared a room. You had to fight for attention while simultaneously watching your back. Together, you were dragged to the grocery store, the post office, or on family “vacations”, and always against your will. So why do siblings fight? How does sharing a limited amount of space with the same person who knows you better than you know yourself evolve into sibling rivalry?
Having a sibling is like having a best friend, an enemy, and a personal, round the clock bully rolled into one. This person knows your strengths, your weaknesses, your pet peeves, your most intimate secrets...and they share your DNA. It’s basically the perfect concoction for blackmail and manipulation.
So if you grew up with brothers or sisters, you’ve probably mastered the art of annoying other human beings. You’ve probably been pinched and punched and ignored. You know that children will fight over just about anything and you’ve probably experienced every scenario listed below.,
Jerry Seinfeld may have used a different term for this, but for the sake of being politically correct, we’ll refer to the situation as take-backs. Your brother or sister gave you a toy because they were “over it” or it was “stupid,” and then three weeks later, they punched you in the arm or called you a thief and retrieved the toy. Usually, they conveniently "forgot" about the whole event wherein they betrothed it to you in the first place.
It was always safer for Mom to stay uninvolved so you were left feeling betrayed with two empty, clammy hands.
The Bathroom
The early bird gets the worm, and until you booked your first flight with a major airline or tried to buy weekend 1 passes to Coachella, you thought this phrase applied to the endless battle over using the bathroom.
Doing the Dishes
Maybe you took turns washing or drying. Or maybe you took turns every night doing all the dishes. Either way, neither one was glamorous, and it was never "fair" for the person doing the most work.
The Front Seat
You have to be able to see the car. You have to be outside. You have to be on your way to the car. Who ever calls it first wins. This is the end of a little story we all know as “Shot Gun.” Abide or sit in the back.
It Wasn’t His Turn
But he went anyway. Whether it was jumping off the diving board, choosing the radio station, or playing on the computer, some siblings didn’t honor the pre-determined order of opportunity. And some siblings were always keeping track.
This was long before you knew your rights of “innocent until proven guilty.” Back in the day, it was literally all about the "he said, she said." Sometimes you were guilty and sometimes you weren’t, but whoever got told on first was the one who’d end up in time out.
Name Calling
Meanie, ugly, stupid, stinky, gross. . . ring a bell? Sticks and stones may have broken your bones, but names always had a way of getting under your skin. This may have led to tattling, pouting, arguing, or ignoring.
Who Took the First Shower
Technically, whoever bullied their way into the shower first had unspoken (and unfair) rights to most (if not all) of the hot water. And maybe you flushed the toilet in the other bathroom while they were in there? So what?
She Borrowed Your Clothes Without Asking
There are two ends to this story: 1. Then she hung the dirty shirt back up in the closet, deodorant stains and all! As if you wouldn’t notice. 2. You caught her in the act! She may have tried to pull her sweatshirt on before you noticed, but you always did.
The Remote Control
Whether your sibling always insisted on watching (and singing along with) Sesame Street or they deliberately surfed passed your favorite show... you never got to watch what you wanted. Unless, of course, you had the remote.