So...Can of Worms #2 Officially Opened..Please forward all Fatwas and Death Threats to your nearest Post Box, as usual, Care Of: "That's What We Expect Of You". Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson, Mohammed, Shoko Asahara, The Reverend Moon, Warren what's the dif? None. No differance in any of them, except the "Message" they preached. A cult, is a cult. They all have similarities, which I think this list will make clear.,
Institutionalized Hatred As a Matter of Doctrine
Koran 5:60, 2:16, 3:112, 5:78, 7:166, 2:65, 4:55, 5:29, 98:6, 58:14-19...WOW that's allot of hatred in just one book already! I don't think that much hate exists in the entire Bible..a collection of many books...
Cults do not like competition, which is why the "Religion of Peace" exists NOWHERE on the Planet with other religious groups peacefully.
Lack of a Personal Connection to God
Viewed in Islam as an Entity to Feared and Obeyed ONLY, per The Koran. Not as a Father or guide.
Believes 'The End Justifies the Means' in Order to Solicit Funds and Recruit People
As long as Islam Rules The World, bigomy, slavery, child molestation, forced conversions, war, murder, subjugation, surrender of all property, rape, all good!
Founder/Leader Is Self-Appointed, Dogmatic, Messianic, Not Accountable, Charismatic
Well, after all He DID recieve prophecies from an Angel, being illiterate and all.
This List Is Offensive You Racist Pig
Psychological Coercion to Recruit, Indoctrinate and Retain Members
Dosen't this sound familiar to anyone that knows how Gangs operate? Be with us, we know the truth, but if you leave, or disagree, sorry we'll have to kill you in God's Name We Pray....
Formed An Elitist Totalitarian Society
You know, we are better than Spain, Turkey, The Ararbian Peninsula, The Holy Land..pretty much everywhere we go, here we are, and our God and way of living is always superior to YOURS.
Lack of Love or Compassion
Search The Koran, you will find none. Except when "Allah" LOVES doing "His" will (I.E. what I say in this book), as recorded by Mohammed, via "Gabriel", or "Jabril"? But there is allot of plundering, taking stuff from conquered enemies, and child I guess that counts?
Claims a New Revelation or Insight from God That Alters Older Religious Traditions
Classic Cult Tactic, God was wrong, Jesus was wrong, what they REALLY meant was what I'm telling you..and then my Christian Wife left you are all Apes and Pigs now...and I'll be banging this 9 year old girl, one of my multiple wives that I enslaved....