Here is our list of the greatest mecha anime of all time, spanning every decade since the genre has been around. One of the staple genres of anime, mecha shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Mobile Suit Gundam are some of the finest giant robot shows that have ever been created. Mecha anime almost always consists of a human piloting a larger than life machine, or mecha, to fight giant monsters or other evil mecha pilots. We've included video of each show's first episode when available, so you can watch the best anime shows right here on this page and see if you like them. If you think the top mecha show is missing from this list, then go to the bottom and add it.,
Macross Plus
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Eureka 7 (US)
Visions of Escaflowne
Tengen Toppen Gurren Lagann
Mobile Police Patlabor
Gundam Unicorn
Gundam 08th MS Team