Seeing as actress Danielle Harris is known as one of the top scream queens in the genre today, it seemed only appropriate to ask her about who she thinks belongs on a list of the Top Scream Queens of All Time. The veteran actress with pipes for days dished about some of her favorite genre actresses to see on screen as part of the promotion for See No Evil 2, which pits her against a (supposedly dead) killer already in the morgue in a race for the lives of herself and her friends.
Since I limited her to five (and then demanded she include herself on the list), we thought it would be best to make this list of the top horror genre actresses votable so the public could have a say as well.
Adrienne Barbeau
Danielle Harris
Added at my insistence (as she is currently at the top of the genre), Harris is the quintessential strong, tough girl in the horror movie. She runs! She swings (POW!)! She SCREAMS!
Heather Langenkamp
Janet Leigh
Katharine Isabelle