Marvel Comics is one of the two mainstream comic distributors in the world (the other of course being DC Comics). They publish dozens of titles and have invented thousands of characters. Recently, Marvel has formed its own film studio and rebranded themselves as a major player in all forms of the entertainment industry, reacquiring characters they had sold off and building an entire self sustained film universe. But which are the best Marvel movies?
The Marvel Studios Avengers series is the highest grossing film franchise of all time. Marvel films are insanely popular, and much beloved by fans. But only a few of these great films can truly be the best.
This list is largely comprised of the Marvel films of the 2000s, with the majority of these films falling under the mighty Marvel Studios banner. What they've been able to accomplish with their films after crawling out of bankruptcy is astounding. And who knows what's to come?
Vote up the greatest of the 20 best Marvel movies below and see how the Marvel films you love rank.,
Iron Man
Spider-Man 2
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
The Avengers
X-Men: First Class
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
X-Men: Days of Future Past