This list of bad books not to read is ranked by literature fans worldwide. Anyone can vote on this list of the worst books, which makes it a trustworthy resource for finding out which books just don't live up to their hype. You can even add your own list of bad books to these rankings, and save other people from the pain of having to read them. From the over-hyped to the just plain overexposed, these overrated books prove that you can't judge a book by its cover...or its reputation.
What are the worst books that people think are great? The most overrated books on this list have received a lot of praise, so don't feel bad voting for them! What are the most overrated novels? Vote on them here.,
New Moon
Atlas Shrugged
Breaking Dawn
The Da Vinci Code
The Fountainhead
Eat, Pray, Love
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
The Secret