Stanley Kubrick is considered one of the greatest and most influential directors of all time. And with good reason. His films are some of the most memorable and feature intelligent plot lines, exquisite camera work, special effects and other groundbreaking innovations that cemented his legacy. Born in New York, Kubrick spent most his life living and working in England. Not only did Kubrick direct, he also held titles of producer, screenwriter, cinematographer and editor, which help mold his films with his unique vision. Filmbuffs have long debated what is the best Stanley Kubrick film. With a filmography has extensive and iconic as Kubrick's, you really can't go wrong.
Dr Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, Lolita Full Metal Jacket, The Shining and 2001: A Space Odyssey are all classics that have stood the test of time. They are considered some of the best films in history. This is what makes Kubrick such an important director. His best films are in multiple genres and his stories can swing back and forth between striking black comedy and terrifying potential realities. The best Kubrick movies are thought provoking and make you dig deep as a viewer to see what the underlying message of the film is.
Vote the movie you think is Stanley Kubrick's best.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
Full Metal Jacket
Paths of Glory
The Killing
The Shining