When relationships don't work out, things can get ugly. Most people try to end relationships amicably, but what are some of the worst ways to break up with someone? This is a list of the most terrible ways to break up with your significant other. If you're planning a breakup, do your soon to be ex a favor and don't do it one of these ways.
Remember that just because you're ending a relationship doesn't mean that you won't have to see this person again. Chances are you have mutual friends and your future ex probably knows your family members. If you choose to end the relationship, remember that words can cut deep and what you say will be remembered for a long time. In fact, it can ruin your chances of having another successful relationship and it can also hurt your ex so much that they'll find it hard to move on.
Honesty is often the best policy when you're breaking up with someone, but also remember to choose your words and timing wisely. If you want an end to a relationship, use this list of worst ways to dump someone to learn what not to do. There's no easy way to end a relationship, or a good way to break up, but these ways are truly the worst.
Cast your votes below for the worst ways to end a relationship.
Via Email
After Sex
By Finding Out They're Dating Someone Else
When You're Drunk
By Changing Your Facebook Relationship Status
At Your Wedding
In Front of a Group
Via Text Message
Giving Them False Hope
Let Them Find Out from a Friend