The best all-time Tom Cruise movies show the iconic drama and action-movie star in his finest performances. Cruise is easily a contender as one of the greatest film actors of all time and these movies show exactly why. Tom Cruise is both an outstanding actor and one of the most controversial figures in Hollywood. He is also one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. After watching these movie clips, rank these according to how good Tom Cruise is acting.
Since his very first part in 1981 when he had a small role in "Endless Love," few Tom Cruise movies have not been notable but it was his role in 1983's "Risky Business" that made Tom Cruise a household name. His star power continued increase in the late 80s as he appeared in lead roles in films like "Top Gun" and "Legend."
Numerous other hits followed in the 80s such as "Rain Man" and "Born on the Fourth of July" leading into a powerful 90s of Tom Cruise movies like "Days of Thunder," "The Firm," "Interview with the Vampire" and "Mission: Impossible," a series that spawned several sequels. More recently, Cruise has seen success with great films like "Jerry Macguire," "War of the Worlds" and "Minority Report."
While it's pretty hard to find a bad Tom Cruise movie, he has not been immune to flops. Then again, the best movies for any actor, or the best movies of all time in general are often a matter of opinion. Share yours below by voting for the Tom Cruise movies you love best, adding any not listed or re-ranking this list your way.,
Jerry Maguire
Minority Report
Mission: Impossible
Rain Man
Risky Business
The Outsiders
Top Gun
Tropic Thunder
War of the Worlds
A Few Good Men