The Nostalgia Critic is a web series that premiered in 2007 and was created by Doug Walker. In the web series, Doug Walker plays the title character, who reviews movies and (sometimes) TV shows that not only suck, but also poorly hold up since viewing it in his childhood.
Baby Geniuses
Good Burger
Season 2 kicked off with Nickelodeon Month, where the Nostalgia Critic took on some of Nickelodeon's classic programs. The first episode from Nickelodeon Month was the Nicktoons, followed by the channel's sitcoms (a.k.a. the Nickcoms), and then the programs aired during the SNICK block. At the end of that one, he announced that he was going to wrap up Nickelodeon Month with the game shows. The problem was that he already reviewed Double Dare, and the rest of the shows didn't have sufficient enough picture quality to use, so that theme was scrapped. He was then forced to take on one of the films from Nickelodeon, Good Burger, much to the critic's horror.
When it was finally time to review the movie, he was miserable from the start of the episode and then started one of many furious rants. Although I enjoyed the movie, the Nostalgia Critic put up a very strong argument against Good Burger.
At the end, he pounds on his desk, yells "DIE!" with a demon picture over his face, and proclaims: "This is crap! It's godawful! Good Burger? Good God, what a load of s**t! It's like if s**t could s**t, and that s**t could s**t, and that s**t could s**t, and that s**t could raise money to put together a team of filmmakers to produce a steaming, flaming pile of s**t!" That moment had me laughing so much.
Patch Adams
Son of the Mask
The Cat in the Hat
The Room
The Wicker Man
Eventually, he finally gives in to the bee scene. It's as if he really tried hard not to talk about it. And for a valid reason. Turns out, that scene was not featured in the theatrical release, and instead, it was put in the unrated version on DVD.
Tom and Jerry: The Movie
The Last Airbender