With “Game of Thrones” George R.R. Martin crafted a universe full of (tons and tons and tons) complicated and complex characters. Many of the main characters have strong, individualized voices and even out of context, almost any quote can be quickly placed to its speaker. In a world of dozens of characters that is no small feat. Stannis Baratheon is known for being stoic and determined.
Stannis is the head of House Baratheon at Dragonstone and the brother of King Robert. He is played by Stephen Dillane on the HBO show "Game of Thrones." After King Robert dies in a drunken accident, Stannis joins the War of the Five Kings to claim the Iron Throne. Stannis often uses dark magic to help advance his quest and is advised by the mysterious Melisandre.
What are some of Stannis Baratheon's best quotes? He often expresses his frustrations with Ser Davos and had many choice words for his younger brother, Renly.
Vote up the best Stannis Baratheon Quotes below, learn more about his family with this list of all members of House Baratheon, and follow Ranker of Thrones for more GoT character quotes.
History Lesson
“I will not become a page in someone else's history book.”
On the Kingdom Grieving for Renly
“Fools love a fool.”
Hey, That's Mine
“The Iron Throne is mine, by right.”
The Truth Hurts
“Hard truths cut both ways.”
"A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad the good."
Learning from Others
“When Eddard Stark learnt the truth, he told only me. I'll not make the same mistake. Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm, from the Arbor to the Wall. The time has come to choose. Let no man claim ignorance as an excuse.”
Leading the Charge
“Come with me and take this city!”
Hate and Suffering
“I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same.”
Parenting Advice
“She's my daughter. You will not strike her.”
Brotherly Love
“For the sake of the mother who bore us, I will give you this one night to reconsider. Strike your banners, come to me before dawn, and I will grant you your old seat in the council. I'll even name you my heir... until a son is born to me. Otherwise, I shall destroy you.”