Essos, that other continent in Game of Thrones you hear about and see once in awhile. It also happens to be the LARGEST one that we know about in that known world. Home to the Free Cities, Dothraki Sea, Slaver's Bay, Qarth and everything else Daenerys Targaryen has been up to.
Ever wonder which city is which? Where it is? And what they do there? Down below, we've compiled some of the major locations in Essos and what it's all about. Now, when you're watching Game of Thrones and want to sound really smart, click away and gain some serious GOT knowledge and history facts.
http://www.ranker.com/list/game-of-thrones-locations-essos/ranker-of-thrones, other,
- Norvos is one of the Free Cities.
- It is located on the Hills of Norvos between Pentos and Qohor. It acts as a gateway for travelers going from east to west on the ancient Valyrian roads.
- Because it is on the route leading from the Narrow Sea to the Dothraki Sea, Norvos pays tribute to any and all passing Dothraki khalasars.
- The city gets its wealth lying the trade route from Pentos to Qohor and the Dothraki Sea. Its wealth also comes from minerals mined from the Hills of Norvos and is famous for the axes and textiles it produces.
- The land is hills and farms that are surrounded by small walled villages.
- Norvos is ruled by a High Magister and a council of religious protectors.
- Norvos is divided into two sections: the High City and the Low City.
- Norvos people are called Norvoshi.
- Men in Norvos are known to wear their mustaches really long with many curling them to points and dyeing them.
- Bears are used for entertainment in Norvos and the annual festival has bears dancing down the Sinner's Steps.
- The city has three bells that all ring out at different times of the day (Noom, Narrah, and Nyel).
- Boys are recruited by the Bearded Priests to become warriors and soldiers that tend to use axes instead of swords.
Notable character from Lorath:
Shae, prostitute turned haindmaiden with a notable accent from Lorath.
- Lorath is one of the Free cities.
- Lorath is located east of Braavos on an island off of the northern coast. It stands at the mouth of Lorath Bay of the Shivering Sea on the western side of the largest of the three islands surrounded by storm seas.
- It is the least known of all of the Free Cities due to it's isolated location and lack of any large or notable ports.
- The poeple of Lorath are known as Lorathi.
- Not much is known of Lorath yet.
- The image is coming once we know more about Lorath, until then, Lorath remains a mystery.
Notable characters from Lys:
Varys, also known to Westeros as "The Spider," serves on the Small Council as the Master of Whispers.
Doreah, once a bedslave turned handmaiden by Daenerys.
Irogenia of Lys, (see below).
Salladhor Saan, a pirate lord and the commander of a large mercenary fleet.
- Lys is one of the Free Cities.
- Located across a series of islands in the Summer Sea, it is a small city clinging to the rocks surrounded by stormy seas. It lies off of the southern coast.
- People of Lys are known as Lysene.
- Their coins are oval shaped and have the image of a naked woman stamped on it.
- The people of Lys curl and perfume their hair.
- Lys's navy is one of the most powerful on the Narrow and Summer Seas and their freesails can be found in many ports around the world.
- Slaves are legal and many in Lys.
- Lys is known to have the best pleasure houses in the world full of trained courtesans and prostitutes. One of it's highest export is in bed-slaves.
- Lys are also known for their poisons. A famous poison in particular created in Lys is known as the Tears of Lys and is both rare and difficult to detect.
- Lys was a direct colony of the Valyrian Freehold founded from scratch. Because of this, Lysene still have Valyrian feature which includes bright light-colored eyes, skin and hair. Most of Lysene are fair-skinned.
- Irogenia of Lys was a famous courtesan whose beauty is said to have been the most attractive and the most skilled courtesan to have ever lived. She's a legendary Lysene.
- Lys has been in frequent feuds with the neighboring city, Myr.
- One of the greatest temples of R'hllor stands in Lys. The Lord of Light is the main religion along with the love goddess.
Notable character from Myr:
Thoros of Myr, a member of the Brotherhood Without Banners and a red priest for the Lord of Light.
- Myr is one of the free cities.
- It is located on the Eastern shore of the Sea of Myrth. It's south of the Disputed Lands.
- It is one of the large major seaports.
- Myr has it's own language derived from High Valyrian.
- The people of Myr are known as Myrish.
- Myr is also known for its craftsman. Myrish lace, glass, and mirrors are sought after from all over.
- Lys and Mys have been in a fued for centuries.
- They are ruled by Magisters.
- The people of Myr are considered exotic by Westeros with their dark hair, dark eyes, and olive-colored skin.
- The "Disputed Lands" between Myr to the north and Lys to the south got their name because they are constantly being fought over and controlled by the two cities.
Forest of Qohor
- The Forest of Qohor borders the Free Cities to the east. It's a large forest north-west of the Dothraki Sea.
- The city of Qohor is located on the western edge of the forest.
- The forest poses no threat to the Dothraki and they can pass through it with ease.
- The Forest of Qohor is so large that it takes about two weeks to cross by horse.
- It provides most of the lumber used by the Free Cities.
- Some animals found in the forest include spotted tigers, silver fur lemurs with large purple eyes and great elk.
- Its trees have trunks as wide as city gates with leaves that give a golden hue so that when the sun is shinning, it makes a golden canopy above travelers passing though.
Notable character from Qohor:
Tobho Mott, a master blacksmith who currently resides in Kings Landing.
- Qohor is one of the Free Cities.
- The City is located on the banks of Qhoyne, between the Narrow Sea and the Dothraki dominated plains. It's on the western edge of the Forest of Qohor and is the closest of all of the Free Cities to the Dothraki Sea.
- The people of Qohor are known as Qohorik.
- The city is known for it's blacksmiths, metal-workers, and craftsmen.
- They say some blacksmiths know how to reforge Valyrian Steel.
- The Dothraki once attacked Qohor but were defeated by the Unsullied. Now, since Temmo's defeat, it has been guarded by Unsullied purchased from Slaver's Bay.
- Each Unsullied carry a spear with a braid of human hair.
- Qohorik worship the Black Goat.
Notable character from Pentos:
Illyrio Mopatis, a widely known wealthy Magister of Pentos.
- Pentos is one of the free cities.
- It is located on the western coastline of Essos and is surrounded by fertile coastal plains also called the Flatlands. The city is a large seaport consisting of squat brick buildings and a few large palaces.
- The people of Pentos are known as the Pentoshi.
- Pentos is a rich city based mostly on commerce and trade of products like cheese. Because of this, the traders of Pentos are sometimes referred to as "cheese-mongers."
- They use some of this wealth to pay tribute to the Dorthraki to keep the peace and avoid being overthrown.
- Pentos is run by a prince chosen by the Magisters. The prince is selected from one of the noble Pentoshi families and remains as such until a war is lost or a crop dies, only then do the Magisters kill the prince and choose again. Which in power, though, the prince controls trade, justice, and war, and must deflower both the Maid of the Field and Sea to keep fortunes up
- Because of an agreement with Braavos one hundred years ago, slavery is forbiddin in Pentos. it does not, however, stop wealthy families from keeping "servants."
Notable characters from Braavos:
Jaqen H'ghar, a member of the Faceless men.
Syrio Forel, now resident in Kings Landing, a former first sword of Braavos.
- Braavos is one of the Free cities.
- The city is 800 years old.
- It is located in a lagoon spanning across hundreds of tiny islands all connected by smaller stone bridges on the northwestern end of Essos at the point where the narrow sea and the Shivering Sea meet. Braavos has also claimed the stretch of land to the south now called the Braavosian Coastland.
- Braavos is arguable the most rich and most powerful of the free cities.
- A giant statue erect at the entrance of Braavos is the Titan of Braavos. It serves as a lighthouse, landmark, and as a defense fortification for the city.
- The people of Braavos are known as Braavosi.
- The ruler of Braavos is known as the Sealord and Braavosi are known as swordsman and seafarers. It is from the sea that their wealth and power flows.
- The only city that was not a former colony of the Valyrian Freehold and is sometimes referred to as the Bastard Son of Valyria.
- The city was founded by galley slaves after they stagesd a mutiny and killed their Valyrian overseer. Because of the way the city came to be, the city does not keep slaves and dislikes doing business with those who continue to keep slaves. Braavos is known to use its military and economic power to help encourage other city-states to give up slavery.
- Due to its origin, Braavos is culturally and ethnically very diverse. There is no one religion in the city nor is there a set "Braavosi look" or set of features.
- The city is home to the largest and most powerful banking institution, the Iron Bank, in both Essos and Westeros. It holds debts of many governments which only furthers Braavosi power and influence.
Notable character from Tyrosh:
Daario Naharis, captain of the Second Sons and sworn to Deanerys.
- Tyrosh is one of the Free Cities.
- Tyrosh is located on an island on the southwestern coast of Essos, in the Narrow Sea. Tyrosh is the closest of the Free Cities to Westeros. It's on the eastern end of the Stepstones which is an island chain that extends from Essos to Westeros and was once said to have connected the two continents.
- Tyrosh is the most central of the Free Cities, and as such, is often used to the serves of many mercenary companies.
- The people of Tyrosh are known as Tyroshi.
- The main export of Tyrosh is pear-brandy.
- Tyroshi are known for being very loud and greedy and wearing very bright colors.
- They speak a bastardized version of High Valyria.
- Lys and Myr are in constant dispute over the Disputed Lands and as much, Tyrosh is sometimes drawn into these battles.
- The ruler of Tyrosh is Archon.
The Free Cities
- The Free Cities are nine separate, independent, city-states located on the western coast of Eastern Essos. Seven of the nine are coastal cities on the narrow sea (Braavos, Volantis, Myr, and Pentos) with three being on islands (Lorath, Lys, and Tyrosh) and the other two (Norvos and Qohor) are located more inland. With each of the cities so spread apart, the geography of each city is different. The mountains to the east separate the coastal cities from the Dothraki and the plains of the Dothraki sea. The only access is through gaps in the mountain range which allows limited access to the Free Cities. In the north are Ibben and the Shivering Sea and to the south are Slaver's Bay and areas which lead to the Jade Sea deep in the east.
- Each of the cities, aside from Braavos, were once colonies of the empire of Valyria and only gained independence after the Doom.
- All nine Free cities speak Valyrian but because their dialects have changed so much throughout each city, it almost sounds like nine completely different languages.
- The cities are Mercantile city-sates