Best of Disney's animated classics, ranked and voted on by fans. Walt Disney Studios has produced 51 theatrically-released animated movies to date (not including films released by Disney but produced by Pixar.) The studio began working on short animated features in 1923, before moving into feature-length animation with "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in 1937. In 2011, the studio released not only a new adaptation of the classic "Winnie the Pooh" character but also re-released "The Lion King" in 3D.
This list collects together all the theatrical Disney animated classics and allows you to vote for the best and worst Disney movies. Not all Disney movies have been gold. At the bottom of the list, you'll see the worst Disney movies--animated films that you could go without ever seeing again. If you see one of the worst animated Disney movies on this list, vote it down and save people the hassle of watching it themselves.,
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Beauty and the Beast
Monsters, Inc.
The Jungle Book
The Lion King
The Little Mermaid