List of celebrities who quit drinking, loosely ranked by fame and popularity. Many celebrities have given up alcohol. Several famous actors, actresses, musicians, and comedians are now sober. Some of these famous people gave up drinking after years of drug and alcohol abuse, while others stopped to better their health and further their careers.
Who is the most famous person who quit drinking? Natalie Portman tops our list. She has never had a reputation as a party animal, but the Black Swan star says that she did get drunk in college. Eva Mendes went to rehab in 2008 and The Place Beyond the Pines actress hasn't had a drink since. Other famous actresses who quit drinking include Christina Ricci, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Russell Brand has been sober for over 10 years. Brand is a vegan and now uses meditation to cope with the stresses of life. Bradley Cooper decided to stop drinking when he was 29. The American Hustle actor told GQ, "If I continued it, I was really going to sabotage my whole life." Simon Pegg stopped drinking when he was filming Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. He says, "I find it easier to keep fit if I don’t drink. I have given up for two years and I don’t miss it in the slightest."
Are you surprised that so many celebrities quit drinking? Share your thoughts in the comments section.
Christina Ricci
Christina Ricci stopped drinking in her 20s. The Ice Storm actress says, "I went through a normal kind of late teens, early 20s drinking, but [stopping] was a choice I made, because I didn’t think it was very good for my life… I don’t go out very often."
Eva Mendes
Eva Mendes went to rehab in 2008 and the Place Beyond the Pines actress hasn't had a drink since.
Ewan McGregor
Ewan McGregor has been sober since 2000, but he used to be a party animal. The Trainspotting star says, "I got away with it more or less unnoticed. I was a maniac on the booze but I only remember it fondly."
George W. Bush
Former President George W. Bush stopped drinking when he was 40 years old. In his autobiography, Bush wrote, "I am a person who enjoys life, and for years, I enjoyed having a few drinks. But gradually, drinking began to compete with my energy. I'd be a step slower getting up. My daily runs seemed harder after a few too many drinks the night before."
Gerard Butler
Gerard Butler has been sober for over 15 years. The 300 star went to rehab in 2012 to treat an addiction to prescription pain killers.
Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp has been sober for over two years. In 2013, he told Rolling Stone, "I investigated wine and spirits thoroughly, and they certainly investigated me as well, and we found out that we got along beautifully, but maybe too well."
Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman has never had a reputation as a party animal, but the Black Swan star says that she did get drunk in college. Nowadays, Portman doesn't drink at all.
Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr. went to rehab in 2003 and the Iron Man star has been sober ever since.
Russell Brand
Russell Brand has been sober for over 10 years. Brand is a vegan and now uses meditation to cope with the stresses of life.
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise does not drink and it's rumored he follow a mostly vegetarian diet.