A ranked list of the people who outwitted, outplayed and outlasted everyone else in the sneakiest, smartest or just plain most ruthless way. The best Survivor players to ever go on the show. Vote for the best Survivor contestants here and make your own list to rank the players in order and add anyone you see missing. When all is said and done, you should have a list of the most popular survivor contestants ever!
Who are the best Survivor players? This list of every single Survivor contestant should give you an idea of who should be or near the top. Vote on this list of contestants to how you deem it fit.
Ozzy Lusth
Richard Hatch
Rob Cesternino
Rob Mariano
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Tom Westman
Yau-Man Chan
Yul Kwon
Parvati Shallow
Russell Hantz