The best snacks in the world including the best salty snacks, the best sweet snacks, and the guiltiest indulgences. These foods of convenience rank among the best foods in the world for their simplicity and complexity alike, and the majority of these tasty snack foods are also some of the most addictive foods on the planet.
Be it a between meal nosh or a pre-game array, snacking is truly an art form: the perfect marriage of convenience and sustenance. Whether you fall into the guilt-free snack school (where sliced apples and natural popcorn take top snacks positions) or the big flavors equal better snacking camp (Cool Ranch Doritos! Chicken nachos with spicy guacamole! Easy Cheeeese!), this list of the best foods for snacking should give you some ideas for foods to add to your shopping list for snacking convenience. This list includes all the best snacks for lunches, between meal snacks, snacks for kids, and low calorie snack options.
What are the best light snacks? What are the best movie snacks? What are the best munchies? This list of the greatest snacks ever seeks to take a bite out of these questions by uniting snackers around the world in a quest to determine what the best snacks are. Vote up the foods you consider to be the greatest snacks and vote down those you don't think deserve the title of top snack food. If you don't see your favorite snacks on the list, make sure to add them.
If you're looking for snacking opportunities outside the home, consult the best movie snacks list. If you want to wax nostalgic about snack foods past, check out the greatest discontinued snack foods of the '90s.
Snackers Worldwide unite...what's in YOUR kitchen cabinets?,
Chocolate bar
Connecticut College researchers have found that Oreos may be just as addictive as cocaine or morphine.
Chips & Salsa