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Things Your Mother Told You...That She Was Right About

Things Your Mother Told You...That She Was Right About

Feeling a little nostalgic? Hop into that proverbial time machine and check out this list of advice from mom! Here you will find reminders of things mom used to say: tokens of good advice from mom, examples of mom’s covert disapproval, as well as the inspirational, life-shaping advice you tried to shrug off like Daria on a first date.

For some of us, it felt like every time we walked out that front door, mom was there to enthusiastically share those little nuggets of unsolicited wisdom. And let’s face it, not all moms can be like Kitty Forman, giggling in the kitchen while making spaghetti and snickerdoodles for a gang of kids who have their own parents. Most moms were telling you to take out the trash or stop talking for just ten minutes (let’s play it safe and bet that “Drink Your Tang!” wasn’t a common phrase in your household).  

And while they aren’t always right, moms are a mystical breed of their own. Regardless of her quirks, the things your mother taught you (and some of the ridiculous phrases she trademarked) will go down in infamy.

Whether you agreed with them or not back then, now you know that mom was probably right!


“Comb Your Hair”
The equation goes a little something like this. It’s harder for people who don’t brush their hair to get jobs. It’s hard to survive if you don’t have a job. Mom is just looking out for you. And preventing you from living in her basement for too long. Or from thinking it's ok to leave the house looking like Goldie Locks after a tornado hits. 
“A White Lie Isn’t Necessarily a Lie . . . ”

In hindsight, this was probably one of our parents’ favorite “lessons” to teach. It allows them to “fib” and “fibbing” isn’t nearly as bad as lying, “especially if it prevents someone from getting hurt,” she said.   

“I’m Not Mad; I’m Just Disappointed”
The truth behind this phrase doesn’t show its true colors until we’re old enough to, well, be truly disappointed by someone.

Being angry and being disappointed are two totally different things; the biggest difference is that disappointment usually stems from a logical perspective whereas anger stems from an emotional point-of-view. And if we all acted strictly on our emotions we’d be living in a dystopic nightmare where bar fights and setting your ex-boyfriends t-shirts on fire would be just another activity for a Tuesday night (...too real?).

"Dont Lie"

Even though it was just as bad, lying to Mom was different . . . mainly because she always knew. Lying gets messy and it hurts people. Ultimately, lying makes your life way, way harder. And Mom is all about things being easier for you in the long run.

“Chew With Your Mouth Closed”
This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you’re eating a bowl of cereal on your couch solely in the presence of your cat Snowball, by all means, chomp away! But no one else wants to see your half-chewed enchilada. If you’re trying to torture your sister or turn a first-date sour, practice this! Otherwise, have a little class and chew with your mouth closed.
“People Judge You by the Company You Keep”
You may be the Jock, the Nerd, the Popular Girl, or the Freak. But none of that matters when the person you spend all your time with is a huge douchebag. Maybe the thought of being misjudged bothers you and maybe it doesn't. But if you are in the first camp. . . listen to mom and ditch the douche. 
“The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil”
Haven’t heard back from that new job yet? Call them. Interested in that promotion at work? Communicate. Sick of having to do all the dishes while your roommates play ping pong? Let them know! There’s no sense in standing on the wayside while you go on desiring something. Learn how to communicate in an effective way and do so.
“Don’t Get Mixed Up in the Wrong Crowd”
Peer pressure is a strong force; it can be positive and negative, it can convince us to do things we’d never normally do. Mom wanted to make sure you didn’t fall vulnerable to the other kids’ evil ways. Since it's kind of true that, “Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop!”, you might as well just not start in the first place.
“Don’t Trust Anyone”
Maybe Mom was a little extreme on this one. Trust who your heart tells you to trust and don’t trust the liquor store attendee who tells you he wants to show you something cool in his van (even if your heart is really curious).
“The Early Bird Gets the Worm”
You’re probably rolling your eyes. This one doesn’t necessarily mean waking up at the crack of dawn. It applies to being prepared. Being prepared makes your life easier. Mom knew that. It wasn't Mom's first rodeo.

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