Many people pay to store important documents and valuables in a safe deposit box at a bank, believing this is the most secure place to keep them. In truth, safe deposit boxes can be a hassle and can prove difficult to access if the original owner passes away unexpectedly. A secure, fireproof home safe is a smart alternative, ensuring that your important documents are never far from reach.
Here are a just a few of the many items that make more sense to keep in a home safe instead of a safe deposit box.,
Banking and Debt Information
Every few months, print out your current account balancesand put them in a folder beside your bank account information. Many bankstatements are available online, but if you decide to print any hard copies,keep your information secure in your safe.
Your will
No one likes to think morbidly, but that does not change thefact that death can come unexpectedly. Keep your will up to date and store itin your home safe. If you have a trusted family member, make an extra copy forthat person to keep in his or her safe.
Car Titles and Insurance Information
Years go by without any thought for your car title, but itis still good to have it close by in case you need it. You should also keep themost current copy of your insurance card in the folder for quick reference.
Important Websites, Account Names, and Passwords
If something should render you unable to log in to youronline accounts, you should keep a written account of all your virtualinformation. This makes it possible for a spouse or family member to log in andpay bills or close accounts on your behalf.
It’s an oldie but a goodie. Never leave expensive orirreplaceable jewelry sitting out in the open. Even inexpensive jewelry thathas sentimental value should be locked up when it is not being worn. Get in thehabit of viewing your home safe as your jewelry box and keep your jewelry onlockdown.
Of course, a safe is a necessity for gun owners who havechildren in the home, but all gun owners should have a specific gun safe. Gunsare often just as valuable and difficult to obtain as some jewelry, so protectyourself from theft with a home safe.
Passports, Social Security Cards, and Birth Certificates
Original copies of these documents are more important thanever in an increasingly secure society. Keep them organized in your home safeso you are able to grab them whenever they are needed.