This is stuff I personally learned about other peoples opinions. Having been preached leadership my entire life I think a lot of my views are well thought out. Have been told "my perception is your reality" hundreds of times has made me think deeply about perceptions. Having a gut instinct and knowing when it's appropriate to base something off a gut instinct is something I've learned in my life.
Life Lessons
Everything that has ever happened to someone factors into their opinion about something. Whether it be consciously or sub-consciously. It's the whole nurture part of your life. How your parents treated you? Did you even have parents? Who was your role model? What did people you respect say to you?
Colors Analogy

For the simple fact that people can interpret colors differently means that the brain is highly original and unique to an individual. I have a friend who is a Physics major who explained this to me. If you see blue and you say this color is blue, another person could potentially see that color as green or some other color. People possibly interpret colors differently, and that blew my mind when he told me that. It really does make sense when I think about it. Just factor that into the perception the brain has about reality and it really makes you think harder about stuff you perceive.
Sarcastic Douche Opinions

If you are one of those people who has thousands of comments on some website and every one is you being a sarcastic douche then I hate you without knowing you. If you are too afraid to have an opinion and all you do is make fun of someone using sarcasm then you are a scumbag. I mean if 5% of your comments on the internet or in life are sarcastic douche comments then that is pretty normal. If everything that you communicate is a sarcastic douche humor then please do everyone a favor and get off the internet. If you stumble onto a serious conversation in real life and you want to input your sarcastic douche humor, please don't. I hate 100% sarcastic douches worse than racists, sexists, and bigots. Yes, you being a sarcastic douche all the time is worse than those types of people.
If you are a sarcastic douche and that is your personality for whatever reason, please use over the top humor. I'm not the smartest guy, but I have encountered people with way lower IQ's than me and it's hilarious. So whenever you make a borderline sarcastic/dumb comment then I don't know if you are being sarcastic. I either think you are dumb or sarcastic and I'm not really sure. I just assume dumb. If you do over the top sarcasm then it's way easier to tell if someone is just joking. If you make sarcastic douche comments, your motto should be the more over the top the better so other people will receive your joke. If someone is a bigot and you agree with them sarcastically I really can't tell if you are sarcastic or not. Just make fun of the douchebag like everyone else. Sarcastically agreeing with someone really doesn't make you intelligent and over 50% of people won't understand what you are doing. If someone sucks just tell them they suck. it's as simple as that.
Instincts (Gut)

A lot of time people base stuff on instincts that some people call a gut. Nowadays it's similar to a BS meter, which seems to be a common term people use. It's when you hear something or see something that just doesn't sit right when you think about it. Instincts could also mean a physical reaction to something, which is just as self-orientated as anything. Everyone reacts differently to everything. Normally if you don't understand something your instincts will make you question how something could be possible. Your gut isn't right 100% of the time just remember that.
Leader Opinions
Someone who has authority of any kind should be very aware of their opinions. First off a leader should be fair with everyone and try to get to know everyone that works under them. Everything a leader says and does will be remembered by everyone working underneath them. If there is some type of inconsistency people who work under you will realize that. A leader should be concerned about everyone's morale, which is usually a leaders hardest task.
My steps of improving morale as a leader:
1. Make everyone feel stupid about complaining about their job or situation. Whenever you give some type of order you should ask people if it is fair and ask if anyone has an issue. Then as you are leaving just say if you start bashing whatever I just told you as soon as I leave then you are a POS. You had your chance to voice your opinion and you declined. You really don't have the right to complain about anything that I told you to do.
2. Make everyone feel important and how good they have it. Just tell the people that work under you about a situation that is much harder or worse than the one you are in. Just point out all of the positives and tell everyone there are negatives that go into everything and that they should just ignore it.
3. Nip cancer in the butt. If someone openly hates their job for personal or job related reasons, a leader should feel obligated to step in and say something. Just tell the person: hey look I know you hate your job and I know that you think everything is stupid, but I value you as a hard worker. Just say whatever you do please don't spread your attitude or displeasure with other people. Once someone is pissed off and can tell everyone else why they should be pissed off then bad morale spreads like a forest fire.
95% of people who consider themselves a leader is either extremely fake nice or is a fake tough guy. I hate both type of leaders equally. If you want to gain my respect by being fake nice to me, you should think again. I base nothing off how nice someone is towards me. I do feel obligated to be nice in return, but that's about it. If you are extremely nice to me, but a huge dbag, I just won't even talk to you or want anything to do with you. Since you are nice to me I just won't call you out. If you ever wonder why DBags suck up to big guys or alpha males, this is the reason. People are less likely to call you out on something if you suck up to them. It's a fact. People who have this tough guy routine have an idiotic approach to leadership in my opinion. If you are in a war zone or doing something where you could affect lives then maybe it's okay to act like a tough guy when being a leader. For the 99% rest of the people in the world, having a wannabe tough guy leader sucks. Just because you act tough doesn't mean everyone thinks you are tough. It just makes them not want to cross you or displease you. People are more likely to hide stuff from you if you act like a tough guy. If you are this massive tough guy in charge of something really important and someone screws up they will cover up their mistake, thus screwing up an entire system. Eventually everyone who works for you will try to cover everything they do wrong and everyone you encounter will lie straight to your face. So overall the tough guy routine just doesn't work.