However you feel about obesity and its effect on society, you will be hard-pressed to find funnier things on the internet than these fat guys and their exploits. Are these fat guy videos and pictures funnier because they're fat? Yes. Resolutely, yes. However, many of these funny fat guy pictures would be just as funny if they had skinny guys. Hahaha, no they wouldn't.
This list is dedicated to the heaviest hitters in viral internet history, which is a horrible way to say that the following list will detail the greatest, most memorable and therefore epic fat males from popular viral videos, pictures and memes. From the beginning of the viral web with the Star Wars Kid and the Numa Numa Guy, to that guy who ate 40 pizza rolls and the guy from the Butthurt Dweller meme.
Here are the greatest fat guys in internet history.,
The "I Beat Anorexia" Guy
One of the most shared images of a fat man in internet history, this is a guy who really doesn't care about how he's going to have a heart attack by the time he's 50 and could easily be a character in the SNL sketch where a bunch of Chicago Bears fans sit around a table and share stories.
The image is hilarious in of itself, so a tip of the ill-fitting hat to one of the people who's made me laugh hardest on the internet, during my various interweb travels.
Butthurt Dweller
The Butthurt Dweller meme features an unsightly young male who likely has never been with a woman, but sure likes to judge them as often as his popular image macro meme will allow. Smug, delusional and never one to pass up an extra helping of butter, the Butthurt Dweller can be easily found playing videos games, tralling Reddit or watching adult films in his mother's basement at any given time.
The Butthurt Dweller is a special kind of person who can form a reasonable opinion of something without knowing a single thing about it. Women, religion, music and everything in between is fair game for criticism, deserved or not, from the Butthurt Dweller who looks like a real-life version of the "Comic Book Guy" of Simpsons fame.
Worst. Meme. Ever.
Just like the Musically Oblivious 8th Grader Meme, the Butthurt Dweller meme features an image of an actual person. KimmoKM, a Finnish "basement dweller," stars in and inspired the meme when his smug mug was posted on a Finnish website along with the comment "ugly whale, I wouldn't f*ck her" in regards to a beautiful woman posted on an image board, reminiscent of the famous Fark comment where someone didn't like a famously ridiculously hot girl for having "sharp knees".
That quick moment of narcissism was enough to launch an Internet meme that would blow up in 2010. The notorious Internet forum 4chan took hold of the meme and exploited the troll in dozens of languages over the next few months.
KimmoKM became an Internet legend and was actually a good sport about the whole thing. In an IRC interview, he not only talked about his approval of the meme, but also that the statements made by the Butthurt Dweller, or Gordo Granudo as he's also known, are pretty close to his own thoughts and opinions.
So terrifyingly enough, this guy exists.
Fat Guy Eats Pizza Rolls to Beat Personal Record
This guy will be dead in about two weeks from whenever you are reading this. No matter how long he lives or how old he gets, this guy has two weeks to live.
This is a video, that went super viral, and was even featured on Tosh.0 (the year-later Facebook post of cable television), so you know it's important. It's a guy who already weighs so much that his face has just started to look like a mask of some kind (and I'm a pretty heavy guy, so this guy is really a disgrace to my race).
He "challenges" himself to eat a "personal" record of 40 pizza rolls. That's 40. I have a hard time not feeling like I have to wash my face after about 8 of them. This guy eats 40. He accepts "challenges" from his YouTube audience, or as I call them, his executioners, and eats random stuff for them to watch.
If this guy ever gets a girlfriend I'm giving up on life, but dear LORD does heh stick to his guns. He breathes heavy while lifting up a 1 1/2 lb. bag of pizza rolls and is one of those people that runs out of breath while eating meals, but he really can eat A LOT OF FOOD. I don't know if he could give that 6-pack having Japanese competitive eater Kobayashi a run for his money, but I for one would like to see that match up.
This guy rules.
Fat Guy Shooting a Gun
This is a fat guy shooting a tiny gun while firing it in the same way that most of us that know what we're doing like to play Time Crisis or House of the Dead. Your argument is invalid.
The Guy Who Dropped the Mustard
One of the saddest (look how sad he looks!) and funniest pictures in internet history, this is a viral image that was made popular on Fark in about 2005.
It's originally a still of a guy named Mike "Nug" Nahrgang, a Canadian comedian and actor who's won various awards for being part of a sketch comedy troupe.
He and another actor from his troupe were having a food fight when Nahrang inadvertently covered himself in mustard, someone took a picture and the rest is history.
The Numa Numa Guy
Famous for his lipdub video to a then-unknown song called Dragostea din tei by the band O-Zone, the pre-Keenan Kahill YouTube lip syncer named Gary Brolsma became known as "The Numa Numa Guy" around the internet in the early days of the viral web.
After only three months of being up, the video had over three million views and people not only mimicked what he did, but loved him for it. The viral video has since earned him appearances on Weezer videos, traditional media outlets and internet fame that will pretty much last him the rest of his life.
Initially he didn't want attention for this embarrassing video of him leaking out to millions upon millions of viewers, but like all YouTube celebrities, he now embraces his newly found fame.
He was featured in a Geico commercial lip syncing to another song in 2009 (way to be timely, Geico) and has since appeared in various commercials and music videos referencing nothing but that one time that people thought what he did was funny on the internet.
He's generally a nice fellow though so here's to making a bit of scratch on the side for acting like a fool on the internet.
The TRON Guy
TRON Guy is one of the nicest, most genuine and amazing people in internet celebrity history. And with all the jokes about his weight, his appearance and his (actually kind of awesome) costume that he had to hear, he definitely had to have some kind of good karma coming to him.
I mean the guy is just a lowly nerd (the real kind) who happens to love a certain franchise/movie. He's passionate about something. That's more than we can say about the vast majority of people.
His name is Jay Maynard and he's a computer programmer and system admin for Hercules, an emulator of IBM mainframe hardware (which is probably why he's so into TRON).
When he rose to fame in 2004, he made appearances on Jimmy Kimmel, traditional media and even got a Tosh.0 Web Redemption in 2009.
Click here for Tron guy's Tosh.0 Web Redemption
Fun/sad fact: because his suit actually lights up, he was not allowed to see the opening night screening of TRON: Legacy when the theatre staff saw him come up to the ticket booth.
He currently gives out autographs at conventions and enjoys his amateur radio hobby.
The Fat Man at the Computer
This is the most often used, widespread, recognizable singular picture of an unknown fat guy on the internet. He's one of the oldest viral images in internet history, as well as one of the first results when you Google "fat guy". He's been used for various jokes, emotions and proofs that you're not talking to real girls online for YEARS.
And because of his stature, and the fact that it's probably just a picture taken of some guy happily using his ball-roll mouse on Windows ME on CompuServe on a Compaq Presario, he gets the #1 spot. Because he's innocent, was probably just having fun, and has now been seen (and ridiculed) by millions of people across the web.
He probably had to shave his beard and put a shirt on. I hope you're all ashamed of yourselves.
BONUS: The happy version of him, that you see just as often now around the web, the happy fat guy with a computer. He's actually fixing a computer. He's young, so most people assume he's the other fat guy's son, but I say that's racist. Racist because of facts.
Also, this guy:
The Arsenal of Guns and Guitar Hero Guy
This is one of the greatest people in the history of the internet. The fact that one of the most well-known and seen pictures on the internet features a shirtless, hairy, balding guy surrounded by an arsenal of guns (and some Guitar Hero controllers???)
You're welcome.
Well, as it turns out, these pictures actually originated from a gun lovers' forum that this guy frequents, featuring a video of him shooting a gun.
He has a wife, who actually took all the pictures of him as a joke, but sadly he went on in the original thread to tell everyone about how his wife cheated on him with his best friend (who the hell would do that to a guy with this kind of arsenal?!) in the same house, while he was sleeping.
They also have kids, though, and he doesn't want to split them up from their family, so they're trying to work things out.
Not only does this guy completely own the embarrassingly amazing pictures of him from around the internet, but he loves the internet fame and turns out is actually kind of a stand up fellow for not shooting his best friend in the nuts with a grenade launcher.
What a guy.
The Star Wars Kid
One of the first viral video internet memes in history starred a fat guy, a fat kid, actually, playing Star Wars with himself in front of a camera. People made fun of the kid for being such a huge nerd, but then started editing reali lightsabers onto his hands, setting his dances to electronic music and even making it seem like he was doing great moves to avoid laser blasts.
Here's a good compilation of what some people did with his video:
Ah, they early memes. The kid ended up becoming a lawyer and actually lost all the weight:
But while everyone was laughing, since he was the first real person to have any kind of real internet fame, he didn't know that he could use it to become a real-life celebrity yet. So his story is actually kind of a sad one, but has a happy ending.
"Not as many people know the rest of the story: Ghyslain Raza – or to the internet,Star Wars Kid – didn’t feel famous, or funny. He felt harassed, the victim of the most visible bullying in history. Ghyslain dropped out of his Quebec high school, was diagnosed with depression, and checked into a psychiatric ward for children.
Ghyslain and his parents would later sue the families of the three classmates who leaked the video in 2003, for around $250,000. According to the lawsuit, which resulted in a settlement, "Ghyslain had to endure, and still endures today, harassment and derision from his high-school mates and the public at large."
But after eight years of laughs at his expense – and a few campaigns in his defense – Ghyslain is back. Now in his early 20s, he’s reemerged as the president of the Patrimoine Trois-Rivières, a conservation society that aims to preserve the cultural heritage of his hometown of Trois-Rivières.
Revenge of the Sith this isn’t, but he’s putting his litigious experience to some use, getting his law degree at McGill University in Montreal." - Source