These are the most logical zombie survival teams I can think of for a particular theme. I do understand this is a very juvenile thing to do, but I'm amused by it. If you're too uptight to make a fictional zombie survival team then you have issues.
http://www.ranker.com/list/the-best-themed-fictional-zombie-apocalypse-team/stokified, other,
DC Superheroes

Team Leader: Superman- The real question is how could I not pick superman as team leader?
Brawler: Sandman- He'll turn into sand and fuck up some zombies.
Weapons Expert: Batman- Superhero with the best gadgets should be weapons expert.
Brains: Joker- If they are going to band together and fuck up some zombies I bet the Joker would have a unique take on it.
Medic: Supergirl- These guys probably wouldn't need a medic. We'll use this position for someone that could kick some ass.
Speed Fighter: Flash- Zombies wouldn't see him coming.
Mascot: Aquaman- The superheroes would want to make fun of someone all the time and Aquaman is the lamest superhero.
Guy who dies first: Shazam- I've never heard of him, but he sounds like DBag and is at the bottom of this list (DC superheroes.)
Breaking Bad
Team Leader: Hank Schrader- When in doubt of who the leader should be choose the high ranking DEA agent.
Brawlers: Salamacha cousins- They would destroy every single zombie in a badass way.
Weapons Expert: Mike Ehrmantraut- I'm sure he's the most knowledgeable weapons expert of any Breaking Bad character.
Brains: Walter White- He's the most clever guy. He would have some great ideas of what to do.
Medic: Jane Margolis- With all of her knowledge about meth and heroin she must know something about medicine.
Speed Fighter:
Team Leader: Terry Deitz- Highest ranked person in the military to be on Survivor. Probably has killed more people than anyone ever on Survivor. Dropping a Bomb kills more people than guns, just sayin. Pilots are cool under pressure.
Brawler- James Clement- Bench presses 425 lbs. If you could pick one person that had to directly deal with a zombie without a gun it would be James.
Weapons Expert: Frank Garrison. Knows everything about every type of weapon. Huge supporter of NRA. Staff Sergeant in Army as infantryman.
Brains: Yau-Man- Degrees from MIT and Cal Berkeley. Knows more science than anyone on Survivor. Probably could predict zombie habits and lifespan based on science.
Medic: Marcus Lehman- Probably the smartest doctor to be on Survivor and that says a lot.
Speed fighter: Bob Dawg- Having no idea what a speed fighter is, I am basing this off of the challenge where Bob Dawg single handedly won by chopping off fish heads. He played baseball at a high level and probably has a good swing. Imagine
Bob Dawg with a Samurai sword. That's a pretty lethal combination.
Mascot: Angie Layton- For moral purposes.
Guy who dies first: Phillip Sheppard- I think people in this group would be happy with that.
Quentin Tarantino Characters

Team Leader: Lt. Aldo Raine- Picture his blood lust for a Nazi Zombie. Off the charts.
Brawler: Mr. Blonde- I'm not sure how well he would do with a baseball bat or something like that. If he had a gun or electronic weapon, Mr. Blonde would be a great brawler.
Weapons Expert: Hattori Hanzo- If you ever run out of weapons he could make you a Samurai sword.
Brains: Marsellus Wallace- Maybe not the best leader during a zombie apocalypse. He would be very wise though.
Medic: The Wolf- I'm sure he knows a lot of medical stuff and he would be quick about it.
Speed Fighter: Beatrix Kiddo- She's very lethal with any weapon.
Mascot: Hans Landa- He knows everything about everything. He could tell you stories all night long.
Guy who dies first: KKK guy- Them being not able to see getting eaten by zombies would be hilarious.
Lord of the Rings

Team Leader: Gandalf- I like leaders that will provide me with weed and relax every now and then.
Brawler: Tree Beard- I don't think trees can become zombies.
Weapons expert: Elrond- Elves know weapons and can tell people how to walk on snow.
Brains: Frodo- Because he doesn't get extremely corrupted with a lot of power.
Medic: Arwen- Elves are extremely effective at healing people.
Speed Fighter: Legolas- I wouldn't rather have anyone else with a bow and arrow on my team.
Mascot: Thorin- This massive small guy syndrome would be amusing to be around. It might get old, but you could always kill him.
Guy who dies first: Gollum
Star Wars

Team Leader: Qui-Gon Jinn- A lot of this has to do with how much I like Liam Nesson. Okay so he recruited Darth Vader, big deal. One bad move does not destroy your credibility. I would choose him to lead a bunch of Star Wars characters any day.
Brawler: Aayla Secura- A female Jedi who could destroy some zombies.
Weapons expert: Lando Calrissian- You really don't need a weapons expert with people who are going to kill zombies with lightsabres. Lando would just be fun to hang out with.
Brains: Yoda- It was tough not making him the leader, but he is the brains behind every operation. He may not be the best group leader, however everyone listens to him though.
Medic: 2-1B surgical droids- This is what the rebel alliance uses as medics.
Speed Fighter: Obi-Wan Kinobi- Give me any jedi for brawler or speed fighter and I'm happy.
Mascot: Chewbacca- Without Han Solo you wouldn't be able to understand him. He still would be cool to have on your team and really destroy some zombies.
Guy who dies first: Sebulba- I guess the easy choice would be Jar Jar Binks for this. Sebulba was a bigger ass and it would be funnier if he died first.
Marvel Superheroes

Team Leader: Professor X- He might be able to read zombie minds.
Brawler: Wolverine- Assuming that he wouldn't be able to turn into a zombie because of his health regeneration mutation.
Weapons Expert: Tony Stark- He could create a nuclear warhead out of tires and scrap metal.
Brains: Beast- Genius in a humble way ^
Medic: Doctor Strange- He's a neurosurgeon. You'll never know when that will come in handy.
Speed Fighter: Dead Pool- A mutant with all mutations that uses a Samurai sword. How badass is this guy.
Mascot: Black Widow
Person Who Dies First: Elektra- She was very last on this list (Marvel Superheroes.)