Oh, celebrities. Is there anything you won't do to get people talking? This is a list of the worst all-around celebrity baby-namers - those famous folks who have given multiple kids obnoxious names. Everyone knows about Apple & Moses, and Rumer & Scout, but did you know that Robert Rodriguez has sons named Racer, Rebel, Rocket, and Rogue? How about that Forest Whitaker named his son Ocean and daughters True and Sonnet? He's not even the only celebrity to name a kid Sonnet - or Poet, for that matter. The worst are when the names all have some sort of theme, like flowers (Jamie Oliver) or your own name (George Foreman). Or maybe the worst is when the sounds are just nonsense words (Marcia Gay Harden).
The most egregious repeat offenders - all of the ones naming their collective children things like Zeppelin & Pirate, Diezel & Denim - are listed here. And with celebrities naming their kids dumb words like that, no wonder your neighbors are naming their own children idiotic things like Comfort, Ferret, and Excellent. As you contemplate these names / the future of civilization / naming your own kids things like Cumulus, Dainty, and Upholster, don't forget to vote on each item. Upvote up the ones that make you think, "Oh man, you are awful," and vote down any about whom you're just like, "Meh, those names are not so bad." And don't add any people with just one kid. We'll cross the Kanye and Beyonce bridges when we get to them.
Bob Geldof
Fifi Trixibelle Geldof (f., 1983)
Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof (f., 1989)
Little Pixie Frou Frou Geldof (f., 1990)
Frank Zappa
Moon Unit Zappa (f., 1967)
Ian Donald Calvin Euclid "Dweezil" Zappa (m., 1969)
Ahmet Emuukha Rodan Zappa (m., 1974)
Diva Thin Muffin Zappa (f., 1979)
George Foreman
Michi Foreman (f., 1972)
George Foreman, Jr. (m., 1973)
Freeda George Foreman (f., 1976)
Georgetta Labertha Foreman (f., 1977)
George Edward "Monk" Foreman III (m., 1983)
Natalia Foreman (f.)
Leola Foreman (f.)
George "Big Wheel" Foreman IV (m.)
George "Red" Foreman V (m., 1990)
George "Little Joe" Foreman VI (m., 1999)
Isabella Brandie Lilja Foreman (f.)
Courtney Isaac Foreman (f.)
Jamie Oliver
Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver (f., 2002)
Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver (f., 2003)
Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver (f., 2009)
Buddy Bear Oliver (m., 2010)
Jermaine Jackson
Jermajesty Jackson (m., 2000)
Jaafar Jeremiah Jackson (m., 1996)
Donte Randall Jackson (m., 1992)
Jourdynn Michael Jackson (m., 1989)
Jaimy Jermaine Jackson (m., 1987)
Jeremy Maldonado Jackson (m., 1986)
Autumn Joi Jackson (f., 1978)
Jermaine La Jaune Jackson, Jr. (m., 1977)
Nicole Richie
Sparrow James Midnight Madden (m., 2009)
Harlow Winter Kate Madden (f., 2008)
Penn Jillette
Moxie CrimeFighter Jillette (f.)
Zolten Penn Jillette (m.)
Robert Rodriguez
Racer Maximilliano Rodriguez (m., 1997)
Rebel Antonio Rodriguez (m., 1999)
Rocket Valentino Rodriguez (m., 1995)
Rogue Joaquin Rodriguez (m., 2004)
Rhiannon Elizabeth Rodriguez (f., 2005)
Shannyn Sossamon
Audio Science Clayton (m., 2003)
Mortimer Sossamon (m., 2012)
Toni Braxton
Denim Cole Braxton-Lewis (m., 2001)
Diezel Ky Braxton-Lewis (m., 2003)