Bodies found in weird places will make you even jumpier about turning a dark corner late at night, now that you know there's a chance you could run into a mugger and/or a dead body. These people who died under odd circumstances and took awhile to find are thankfully the exceptions rather than the norm, but there are still plenty of dead bodies found in weird places on this list of crazy places dead people have been found.
What are the weirdest places bodies have been found? From a woman found dead in her cubicle after over a day, to a dead baby shark being found in a bathroom stall, to even a body found in an elevator shaft frozen in ice, these are the 12 strangest stories of dead bodies being found in public places. Enjoy. Also, make sure that if anything ever happens to you, you have someone who will go to your place and delete your internet history. That's an important friend to have.
Canadian Tourist Found Floating In Water Tank of Downtown Los Angeles Hotel
Possibly the grossest instance of finding a body in a weird place, Canadian tourist and University of British Columbia student Elisa Lam was found floating in one of four water cisterns situated on top of the Cecil Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. This was not a situation of her falling in one night and being found the next day; Lam was left decomposing in the tank - which provided water for bathing and drinking to the residents of the hotel - for as many as 19 days.
Patrons of the budget hotel had reported that water pressure was almost non-existent and that the water coming from the taps had an off taste to it, but it was over two weeks before anyone from the maintenance staff of the building investigated the cause of the issues. Gross.
Stalker Found Dead Outside Paula Abdul's House
This is weirder than the man who was found dead outside the fence to The Playboy Mansion (with that kind of establishment, the fact that trying to sneak in could literally kill you is absolutely no surprise.)
Check this woman out.
The woman in the video is clearly not in touch with reality, and worse yet, has chosen to be a nutter butter in head to toe pink, like Barbie only less attractive and not comprised entirely of plastic.
Embedded to your left is her American Idol audition. It's one of the greats. It includes her delusional personality, her street attitude and her inability to sing more than two correct, consecutive, notes of music.
Her name was Paula Goodspeed. At 30, she was found dead in a car outside former American Idol judge Paula Abdul's house in Sherman Oaks, around the 3800 block of Beverly Ridge Drive (if you're ever going for a tourist ride around town.)
Police investigated her death as a possible suicide. Goodpseed had auditioned for one of Idol's earlier seasons, but didn't make it past the first round of recruitment. She sang "Proud Mary", and wore a pink frock that caused fellow Idol Judge Simon Cowell to comment that Goodspeed looked a like Abdul (because you know, they're both ethnic and have the same name -- do you see why Simon Cowell's a millionaire?).
Anonymous police officials of the Los Angeles Police department's threat management unit commented that they were familiar with Goodspeed because of her involvement a number of stalking incidents, this one just happened to be a little more final. Officials declined to comment further, but it goes to show that a lot of people will do a lot of crazy things for the spotlight, including, but not limited to, wearing pink from head to toe with hightop sneakers and a long skirt.
Here's the news report on her death:
Women Found Dead in Suitcase
The mafia is f*cking scary.
Betty Williams, 28, was found dead in a suitcase in East Harlem, New York City, near a place called Rao's restaurant. The video to the left has footage of an unidentified man seen carrying the suitcase, and, nonchalantly dropping it off.
This is not the first incident of a suitcase death at Rao's; nearly a year earlier another victim was found in an area nearby the popular eating establishment; also in a suitcase.
Police investigators suspect mafia influence. Jody White, the innocent bystander who found the suitcase, comments, " I was just walking by and came across it." Autopsy results show that Williams was strangled.
She was found with all of her clothes on.
Body Found in Elevator Shaft Frozen in Ice
According to a recent newspaper article, it took three calls to Detroit authorities and over two days before they recovered the body of a man frozen in ice in the elevator shaft of a vacant warehouse.
A Detroit News reporter working from an anonymous tip (yes, reporters still actually do stuff like this) found the body, and it was eventually removed from the ground with a saw.
It was not Captain America.
Investigators estimate that the body was frozen in the ground for months; no word on how the man came to be trapped in the elevator shaft in the first place. It's a mystery. The cause of death were also under investigation, with no leads in sight at the time.
Makes you think twice about that whole hooking up with a stranger in an elevator fantasy...
Frozen Pizza, Frozen Babies
Okay so this isn't exactly "Public", but when you go to your parents' house to look for some free food and find dead babies, it doesn't really seem like "home" anymore.
Move over, Jeffrey Dahmer.
A German housewife who should never be allowed to reproduce again murdered three of her infant children, packaged their bodies in freezer-safe wrapping, and pretty much forgot about them after stuffing them into a fridge.
... That is, until her other (adult) children discovered the gruesome frozen treats when they were rifling through the freezer for some frozen pizza.
After the grown-up kids found the dead babies, they confronted their parents and the mother turned herself in. She was too psychologically disturbed to endure any police questioning.
It is estimated that the dead children were born during the 1980's, and spent their 30 years in the freezer among pounds of expired food.
Tragically, the adult children never found any frozen pizza.
Woman Found Dead in Cubicle, a Day Later
There has to be an appropriate Dilbert comic for this.
When Rebecca Wells, an auditor for the Department of Internal Services, was found dead at her cubicle in an office building at 9150 Imperial Highway in Downey, it wasn't because her co-workers noticed her and immediately called the paramedics.
She had been dead for over 24 hours when her body was found, dead and hunched over at her desk.
She normally worked in East Los Angeles, but was conducting an audit in the Downey area.
Her body went unnoticed for a day; she was working on the second floor of the office building in a row of cubicles where no other workers were stationed.
She was found by a security guard on Saturday, February 12, and was last seen alive the previous day at 5 PM after a staff meeting.
Investigators have not yet pinpointed the cause of death, but no foul play is suspected; except for ignoring a dead coworker, that's kind of foul..
Woman Found Dead in Club after Lil Kim's Birthday Party
Ingrid Rivera, 24, was found dead in a utility closet after one of rapper Lil Kim's birthday parties at Spotlight Live, a popular karoake club.
Of course, one does have to wonder what Rivera was doing in the closet in the first place: drugs? sex? GETTING MURDERED AT LIL KIM'S BIRTHDAY?
Spotlight Live shut its doors for weeks after the incident in order to, you know, clean up the utility closet and figure out what the f*ck happened. Rivera was reported missing by her mother on Tuesday, and Lil Kim didn't even hear about the body until Wednesday.
According to club patrons, the woman was thrown out of the club by the reportedly very heavy-handed security after being found drunk in the men's bathroom. She wasn't seen after the incident until someone discovered her in a closet.
Police suspected foul play, but no one was ever brought to justice (most likely because real police work isn't televised... all the time.)
Baby Shark Found Dead in Bathroom Stall
A baby shark, like, a real, 3-4 foot long baby shark, was found in a public rest room by two women taking a walk who had to go. Needless to say, they didn't use the toilet, since the baby shark was actually positioned so that it looked like it was busting out of the toilet and into the world.
Whoever did this is a sick, twisted, horrible comic genius, assuming that they found the baby shark dead already.
The woman snapped the photo below and called the authorities to report "a problem" with their bathroom stall. Click on the photo itself for the full news report on the incident and the full sized baby shark picture the woman took.

Click image to play the video
Dead Man Found Inside Car, Ticketed 7 Times
According to the friendly neighborhood parking enforcement officials, the issue wouldn't even have been flagged in the system FOR ANOTHER FULL WEEK after the seventh ticket was placed on the dead man's car had the man not been discovered as dead and not sleeping.
John Waldo was reported missing [insert obvious ironic reference here] nearly two weeks before the first ticket was issued, and the toxicology reports that will determine Waldo's cause of death will take a month and a half to process.
Don't forget to take into account that the guy who eventually reported the corpse assumed that the stench of the decaying man was merely the "trash" that got thrown out around the dumpster area. Lovely.
Actual Dead Body Found on Set of CSI New York
While filming an episode of CSI: New York in (naturally) Los Angeles, a set that was supposed to be downtown NY was filmed in downtown L.A. and, just to not let anyone down, the criminals of L.A. decided to leave a dead, mummified corpse right where the cast/crew happened to be filming.
Huge coincidence, yes. Did they roll with it and use it in the show for authenticity's sake? Sadly, no.
The body was mummified remains of a man found on the fifth floor of the same building where CSI: New York was being filmed.
According to the manager the tenant "was discovered by a building engineer who checked on the tenant because he had not paid rent for the month."
The weirdest part: the episode was about finding the mummified remains of a body. Did the stars of the show try and help solve the real crime? No. Did the writers and consultants try and weigh in on something they imagine all the time? No. Did the makeup artists and effects people have a field day when their mummy looked "cooler"? Probably.