Stuff that I personally noticed about usernames. If you don't agree you can add on or rerank and make your own list.,
People Who Make Fun of Usernames in a Username
If you can't comprehend that a website would like you to identify yourself to other users and would like you to log into its website, you are an idiot.
People With ILove
If you have iLove then an actual person in your username you are 1 step away from being a stalker.
If someone has doctor in their usernames they are smart or think they are really smart. My theory is that no actual doctor has ever had doctor in a username.
Entertainment Characters (real or fake)
People usually really like the characters they put in their username. Except when it's sarcasm and it's easily identifiable. Usually people want you to know if their username is sarcastic, so people don't think they like that character.
Making Up a Word That Ends in Fied.
After hearing a gay guy on a reality TV show say beutified, sexified and other made up words that end in fied has me convinced that I screwed up with my username. Stokified, was something I came up with randomly and it was something I used to put on my chew spit bottles, so people would know it's mine. I'm not gay.
People With Military Rank
If someone has military rank on a username usually that's what rank they were in real life. Unless it is a fictional character they are copying. I always thought the opposite of this until I made a comment about the military on a sports article.
If someone has a political username that is the last person you want to talk politics with regardless of your beliefs. If you agree with them they make you look bad and if you don't agree with them they just piss you off.