This is a list of the most delicious food porn: pictures of admirable appetizers, bountiful beautiful breakfasts, creatively crafted cuisine or delectable distinctive desserts!
Food Porn has recently become exceedingly popular with the booming increase of (addiction to?) social networking. Especially with instagram making your majestic, mesmerizing, medley of delicious food a mere two clicks away from being shared with the world.
Food Porn has become an ART FORM. Beyond the beauty and wonder of cooking, good food porn furthers the enjoyment of eating by throwing in a dash of photographic talent. Making each and every meal as appealing to the eyes as to the nose and mouth.
These meals are often in the THOUSANDS of calories, bathed in butters, saturated in sugar and other such succulent wonders that would make any fitness junkie blush... then take another bite.
So sit back relax, grab a bite of something worthy and enjoy this dazzling array of decadent dietary delights... and stop playing with your food.
*Disclaimer at one point I use Choice as an adjective in this article, and I'm not sorry.,
Fanciful French Toast
Bomb Breakfast Bowls
Mouthwatering Mac N Cheese
Savory Spaghetti
Fish and Chips Fit for a King
Choice Chicken and Waffles
Wonderous WonTon
Perfect Pizza
Tantalizing T-Bone and Taters
Paradisiac Pulled Pork