The most nausea-inducing great films manage to make moviegoers squirm with discomfort, but leave the theater feeling like they've seen a really solid movie. Some films on this list are, not surprisingly, straight-up horror movies, but others are more psychologically disturbing. Either way, every film on this list can be, to some, nausea-inducing and generally unsettling. Be sure to vote for the movies that you think were the most difficult to watch, and, if you know of a particularly nausea-inducing great film that isn't listed, add it. Movies don't always need to have wall-to-wall, graphic violence to induce nausea, but it helps. Films like 'Drive,' 'Reservoir Dogs' and certainly 'Pulp Fiction' fall squarely in the gratuitous violence category, but they are all excellent movies. Some of the films on this list, including 'A Clockwork Orange,' 'Midnight Cowboy,' 'No Country for Old Men,' 'American History X,' 'Fargo,' 'Crash,' were nominated for, and won, Academy Awards. Many are considered among the best films of all-time ('Scarface' comes to mind immediately). But one thing they all have in common: Each movie listed here can be upsetting to watch. In terms of outright horror movies, sure, most of them do have extremely graphic, hard-to-watch violence in them, but not all horror films can truly be called 'great.' Some, like Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining' and John Carpenter's original 'The Thing' manage to scare us silly and nauseate us at the same time. Nausea-inducing great films can stay with someone long after the last frame is shown. They are disturbing and they haunt you. That's what this list is all about, so be sure to vote for your favorites and add any movie that I've missed.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
American History X
A Clockwork Orange
Natural Born Killers
Pulp Fiction
Requiem for a Dream
The Exorcist
The Fly