Abraham Lincoln
republican 1861-1865 was assassinated by john wilkes booth
Chester A. Arthur
republican 1881-1885 did not republican nomination in 1884
George H. W. Bush
republican 1989-1993 lost re-election to bill clinton
Gerald Ford
republican 1974-1977 lost election to jimmy carter
James K. Polk
democrat 1845-1849 did not seek re-election in 1848
John Adams
federalist 1797-1801 lost re-election to thomas jefferson
John F. Kennedy
democrat 1961-1963 assassinated by lee harvey owswald
John Quincy Adams
democratic-republican 1825-1829 lost re-election to andrew jackson
John Tyler
whig 1841-1845 did not seek re-election
Zachary Taylor
whig 1849-1850 died in office