The best Gilles Marini photos from around the Internet including all the hottest shots of the television series Brothers & Sisters. The sexy French actor is one of many stars to get their start on soap operas having appeared on The Bold and the Beautiful and Passions. The talented actor is just as skilled on the dance floor having placed second on his season of Dancing with the Stars.
This list of Gilles Marini pics includes shots of Gilles Marini shirtless, as well as Gilles Marini muscle photos, and images of Gilles Marini's great abs. The attempt is to make a rankable list of all of Gilles Marini's most sexy moments, images and looks, whether they feature Gilles Marini in just jeans and a T-shirt, or Gilles Marini in a suit, or even Gilles Marini near-nude! Enjoy this compilation of Gilles Marini's sexiest photos.,
Gilles Marini in Levis Denim Long Sleeve Shirt
Gilles Marini in Sharkskin Vested Tuxedo
Gilles Marini in Brown Cotton Shirt
Gilles Marini ni Shirtless with Black Underwear
Gilles Marini in Leather Sports Jacket
Gilles Marini in Shirtless with Mid Wash Jeans
Gilles Marini in Dwayne Long Sleeve Shirt
Gilles Marini in Chambray Long Sleeve Shirt
Gilles Marini in Black Swimming Trunks
Gilles Marini in White Cheap Vest with Jeans