This is a discussion that was started over on the Ranker forum, check it out here Anyways I was wondering what was the most embarrassing thing we did as guys that would cause us to lose our beloved "man points". With some help from some brave guys over on the forum, we all came up with this list. So I want to give a shout out to FlipMode, mikeyisawesome1, TotesMagotes and Kyle Townsend for your input on this list. We thought of some, but I know there are a lot more, so if you can think of any, add them in.,
Calling Your Mom/Mother, Mommy Past the Age of Five
Saying the Word Fabulous
Watching and Enjoying the Movie, The Notebook
Doing Any Kind of Dance That Involves Twerking or Booty Poppin'
Having Any Kind of "Pop Singers" On Your Computer or IPod (Kelly Clarkson, Demi Lovato, Katy Perry)
Watching the Bachelorette
Watching Synchronized Swimming
Saying Another Guy Is or Looks Handsome
Watching or Reading Any of the Twilight Books or Films
Calling Anything Cute Unless It's a Woman