The best doctors of Doctor Who are as unique as the universe they inhabit, despite sharing certain personality traits and essentially portraying the same character through its bodily evolutions. The actors who portray the Doctor on Doctor Who are some of the chief reasons the show has ascended as one of the top cult TV series in history with the show also being recognized as one of the best Sci-Fi series of all time.
The eleven doctors of Doctor Who represent old-school actors like Jon Pertwee and Patrick Troughton, and newer actors who have used the Doctor character as a launching pad to bigger, equally awesome roles (David Tennant and Matt Smith). The greatest Doctor Who Doctors are the ones who handily abolish their enemies while forming a bond with the audience only an alien with a police box time machine possibly could.
Who is the best Doctor from Doctor Who? With decades of the TV series in the can, there are myriad reasons to cast your vote for one Doctor Who cast member over another, and this is the place to do it. Whether you like the young Doctors of Doctor Who better than the old Doctor Who Doctors, you can vote for favorite Doctor Who Doctor right here.,
Christopher Eccleston
Colin Baker
David Tennant
Jon Pertwee
Patrick Troughton
Peter Davison
Sylvester McCoy
Tom Baker
William Hartnell
Matt Smith