Websites and blogs dedicated to environmentalism, ecology, oceanography, energy policy and climate change. This list of "green" websites includes communities and forums that are open to the public, scientific and informational resources, opinions from environmentalists and activists and the online homes of non-profit organizations in the environmental and Earth Sciences space. The goal is to provide a one-stop guide to learning more about the environment, ecosystems and natural biology on the Web.
Many of the sites listed here focus on the political issues surrounding environmentalism, from emissions standards to conservation efforts to more general energy policy debates and their impact on global markets. Some concern themselves more specifically with the 'global warming' debate, providing scientific evidence of the phenomenon or discussing and compiling the main arguments against these findings. Other sites focus on more niche topics, such as environmental artwork, resource management or toxicology. If you know of a great website about the environment that isn't listed, leave it in the comments section below.
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Climate change
Global Biodiversity Information Facility
National Environmental Directory
Yahoo! Green
Terra: The Nature of Our World
Climate change
Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program