"Irish" Micky Ward, played by Mark Wahlberg in "The Fighter", had a movie made about him for a reason - he was as tough a brawler as the modern-day fight world has seen. He was a hell of a puncher - particularly to the body - but even more legendary were his chin and heart. You UFC fans need to sit down and check this out - you may learn that there's still something to be said for the sweet science, particularly when watching a true warrior like Ward, as well as his fellow gladiator Arturo Gatti (these fights happened after the film's timeline ended). The 3 Micky Ward vs Arturo Gatti fights in the early 2000s are legendary among boxing fans, and they are well-represented here in this compilation of Micky Ward's bloodiest battles. The first five list items are the best fights of Mickey Ward, while the last 5 positions showcase the most brutal individual rounds. These videos will show you very clearly why true fight fans rank Ward higher than his record - solid as it was - would indicate.
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Ward vs. Burton
Fight of the year in 2001. A pitched phone booth battle from beginning to end. The late rounds are positively brutaful. We'll start the video highlights here in the middle of the fight, but later in the list you can see the sickest round of all - Round 10.
Ward vs. Gatti I
Fight of the year in 2002, and the absolute best that the squared circle has to offer; very possibly the fight of the decade and top ten all-time. We're going to start with this highlight reel but every second of these rounds is worth watching and rewatching. Look for the Round 9 liver shot as quintessential Mickey - best round of the best fight you will likely ever see (that round is #6 on this list). Rounds 5 & 10 are stupendous as well - see also later in this list.
The video here is a highlight reel - all of it stunning but start it at 2:00 or so if you want to see the very definition of heart in the ring - from both fighters.
Gatti/Ward I - Round 9
Ward vs. Sanchez
Another stomach turning come from behind liver shot stoppage in Round 7.
Ward vs. Neary
Ward loses virtually every minute of every round then stops Shea Neary with a liver shot in Round 8 that hurts out in TV land.
If you want to just cut to the chase, start at about 2:20
Ward vs. Gatti III
Fight of the year in 2003. Gatti fights with a broken hand. Mickey fights with rocks in his head. Both men elevate their already mythical status, then (literally) share side-by-side beds in the emergency room afterwards.
From a pound-for-pound video highlight reel perspective, this is probably the best single dose of Ward/Gatti battle footage.
Gatti/Ward I - Round 10
OK - I couldn't find an individual video of Round 10 but I still think this round needs to stand out on its own so you can just fast forward past Round 9 which you probably just watched. Or just watch it again - there was a reason Round 9 has been called "The Round of the Century"
Ward/Augustus - Round 10
This video is the last part of the fight, including Round 10.
Gatti/Ward I - Round 5
2nd of 3 alltime classic rounds FROM THE SAME FIGHT. I included Round 4 and 5 in this, but if you only want to see Round 5 it begins at 3:13 on the video.
Gatti/Ward II - Round 3
Gatti/Ward II was also a monster battle, but I had to leave it out of his best 5 fights. Round 3 makes one of his top 5 ROUNDS though: