The best photos of Hugh Jackman, the actor best known as Wolverine in the X-Men series of movies. The Australian actor, who appeared in numerous stage productions prior to being cast as the Adamantium infused Wolverine, is a multi-talented actor who can also sing, dance, and look good in pretty much any situation. After X-Men, Jackman went on to star as a magician with sexy Christian Bale in The Prestige and more recently as Jean Valjean in Les Miserables. Sing, dance, swoon.
The hottest Hugh Jackman pictures from around the Web, including Hugh Jackman shirtless pics and Hugh Jackman muscle pics. Covering the entirety of Hugh Jackman's career, including modeling and headshots and great pictures of Hugh Jackman's abs, this is a rankable list of all of Hugh Jackman's sexiest looks and moments. This includes images of Hugh Jackman dressed down in plainclothes, and also Hugh Jackman in a suit (and possibly even some nearly nude Hugh Jackman shots as well!) Enjoy this collection of the best of Hugh Jackman images.
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Hugh Jackman in Chambray Long Sleeve
Hugh Jackman in Warehouse Tux Blazer
Hugh Jackman in Samsoe Abba Shirt
Hugh Jackman in Pocket Polo Shirt
Hugh Jackman in Setter Swim Short
Hugh Jackman in Floral Swim Short
Hugh Jackman in Alex Leather Jacket
Hugh Jackman in Slimmy Plain Long Sleeve
Hugh Jackman in Apparel Fine Long Sleeve
Hugh Jackman in Yellow Bath Towel