This is a list of Comic books and graphic novels that would make amazing movies. I tried to stick to non superhero books.,
Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius
A boy genius with a foul mouth has multiple adventures with his equally foul mouthed and penis obsessed best friend. What's not to love? From Aliens to ancient talking gorillas, this series had so many whacked out moments of brilliance I'm shocked it hasn't already gotten a green light.
Hopeless Savages
Teen angst, punk rock, family squabbles, perfectly balance (or unbalanced) characters? This book has it all. And it would make a great movie for teen girls who don't buy into the crap being shoveled out for their demo lately, ie Twilight.
Queen and Country
Realistic bitchs female spy kicks a*s and takes names. This is the franchise that would give James Bond a run for his money.
Blue Monday
If John Hughes had been a comic writer and artist instead of a filmmaker, this is very close to what he would have come up with. He's actually referenced several times, so it would make sense. The book contains plenty of love triangles, outsiders, nerds, pop culture reverence and hilarity to make one epic teen movie.
Sam &Twitch
Grrl Scouts
The Couriers
Scooter Girl
Danger Girl
Spies, N***s, hidden artifacts, and beautiful women abound this J. Scott Campbell book. It's like an Indiana Jones movie with a hot blond wearing the fedora instead of Dr. Jones. Oddly enough, the lead character's name of Dr. Abigail Chase is shared by a treasure hunting blond in the National Treasure films. Coincidence?